I'm looking for a good renumbering utility for qbasic. Any help would be appreciated or if any of you aspiring programmers want a challenge, here's your chance.
I think u should first explain what do u mean by a renumbering utility then someone can help u. Also be specific and clear or else ur post tends to be over looked!
To be more specific, I'm looking for a program or utility that will convert the line numbers in my qbasic programs into even increments. For example the utility would convert example 'a' to example 'b':
example 'a'
1 x = x + 1
4 for t = t to 5
10 print x;t
12 next t
13 goto 1
example 'b'
10 x = x + 1
20 for t = t to 5
30 print x;t
40 next t
50 goto 10
I suppose you could save program in ascii format, and if you have an old version of basic (basica or gwbasic) use it's renum function to renumber your lines. It just seems to be a step backwards in evolution to use the line numbers when none is needed (with the exception of the odd line label). David Paulson
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