I play an online game.
The makers are poor at updates so a third party has developed a fix for an ongoing problem.
This fix is in the form of an alternate front end client and has been accepted by the hosts of the game as a stopgap fix.
This game is written in Delphi and the fix has also been written in Delphi.
I've been trying to find signs of an IP address or some sign of a backdoor/trojan in this fix.
Lack of firewall permission requests and after looking at the code with a hex editor, it looks like this fix is probably safe.
Is there anyway to check for a backdoor in a compliled exe ?
Much of the code in the hex editor is unreadable so it might be hidden in this.
My Feeblegirl.com Forum boards for mmorpgs, sport, fun, politics...
The makers are poor at updates so a third party has developed a fix for an ongoing problem.
This fix is in the form of an alternate front end client and has been accepted by the hosts of the game as a stopgap fix.
This game is written in Delphi and the fix has also been written in Delphi.
I've been trying to find signs of an IP address or some sign of a backdoor/trojan in this fix.
Lack of firewall permission requests and after looking at the code with a hex editor, it looks like this fix is probably safe.
Is there anyway to check for a backdoor in a compliled exe ?
Much of the code in the hex editor is unreadable so it might be hidden in this.
My Feeblegirl.com Forum boards for mmorpgs, sport, fun, politics...