Hello. I'm looking for a webpart that will allow me to search a SQL database. Does anyone know where I would be able to find this? I do not have enough know how to create this webpart myself.
Are you trying to search a SharePoint Server? Have you enabled Search in SharePoint Adminstration? Also, you need to insure that you have SQL Server (not MSDE) with Meta Search installed.
But you should upgrade to SQL Server if u want some serious seaching, and then still i would make my own stored procedure and Webpart (which i have ) Cos the standard or and inflectual searching is very bad (IMO).
You can do a clean install of SQL server 2000 or you can realy upgrade (W)MSDE, you do this by inserting your SQL server 2000 CD and choose the second option(upgrade existing database). This can only be done with SQL server 2000 standard edition and higher (not Developers edition)
I just thought i should share, hope this helps you!
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