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long startup problem

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Mar 9, 2001
Whenever I do a restart of our Win2K Adv Server machine it takes about 10-15 mins at the 'Preparing Network Connections' part, than finally boots...
Only one NIC with about 5 ip's on it.

Any Ideas ?
Do all NIC's have static IP's ?
If not, try to give them a static IP and see what happens.. Peter Van Eeckhoutte

Yes, all NIC's have static IP's
Can you give me the Hardware specs of your server ? Peter Van Eeckhoutte

what protocols clients and services do you have installed thats your problem your looking for things that arent there
heres something else to make sure you set up on one of the clients give it more than one default gateway see what happens to it maby that will help you out too. as far as the post for the hardware specs my thoughts are that your not on a 133 if you are please box up your machine and throw it out the window along with your post ;)
just trying to add some humor to these posts

Love the humor, but I wouldn't mind some punctuation and spell check thrown in as well.

If your 2000 machine (server or pro) takes ages to start up or work, update the BIOS.
I've got the same prob as you. Is your server connected to the internet and does your provider give dynamic ip adresses? I think the prob is that win2k server tries to connet to your old ip-adress of your last online session.
I also have this prob... i have a win2k server with a win2k pro wrkstation and another win98 machine. my wrkstation takes forever in the applying settings part.. Login would take forever also, prolly because way profile or something was set, so no wi login to the machine instead of my server... i still have at least 5-10min to wait on a boot, thnk God I leave my machine on for weeks at a time. All machines connect to internet thru a router with DHCP server, and since thers no more that 8 machines in my hosue at one time IP's woulnd't be a prob.
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