Hi Mark,
Your VBscript is great it's doing almost of everything I WANTED. I've been searching for two months on the web for a clean VB SCRIPT and I found so many but non worked...until I found yours.
Now, I need to do the following......
1. Assign network printers based on group membership
2. Install multiple backup network printers for each group
3. Assign default printers for each group
Also I like yours ADD ON GREETINGS MSG BOX... is it possible to put more than one vbscript in netlogon share or everything has to be in only one script?
Thanks for saving my job!
' NAME: LogonScript.vbs
' AUTHOR: Mark D. MacLachlan, The Spider's Parlor
' URL : ' DATE : 4/10/2003
' COMMENT: Enumerates current users' group memberships in given domain.
Dim WSHShell, WSHNetwork, objDomain, DomainString, UserString, UserObj, Path
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WSHNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set objDomain = getObject("LDAP://rootDse")
DomainString = objDomain.Get("dnsHostName")
UserString = WSHNetwork.UserName
'Bind to the user object to get user name and check for group memberships later
Set UserObj = GetObject("WinNT://" & DomainString & "/" & UserString)
'Synchronizes the time with Server our NTP Server
WSHShell.Run "NET TIME \\Server /set /y"
'Disconnect any drive mappings as needed.
WSHNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive "F:"
'Disconnect ALL mapped drives
Set clDrives = WshNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives
For i = 0 to clDrives.Count -1 Step 2
WSHNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive clDrives.Item(i)
'Give the PC time to do the disconnect, wait 300 milliseconds
wscript.sleep 300
'Map drives needed by all
WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "U:", "\\server\users",True
WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "X:", "\\server\executables",True
'Now check for group memberships and map appropriate drives
For Each GroupObj In UserObj.Groups
Select Case GroupObj.Name
'Check for group memberships and take needed action
'In this example below, ADMIN and WORKERB are groups.
Case "Admin"
WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "w:", "\\Server\Admin Stuff",True
Case "WorkerB"
WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "w:", "\\Server\Shared Documents",True
End Select
'Remove ALL old printers
'Enumerate all printers first, after that you can select the printers you want by performing some string checks
Set WSHPrinters = WSHNetwork.EnumPrinterConnections
For LOOP_COUNTER = 0 To WSHPrinters.Count - 1 Step 2
'To remove only networked printers use this If Statement
If Left(WSHPrinters.Item(LOOP_COUNTER +1),2) = "\\" Then
WSHNetwork.RemovePrinterConnection WSHPrinters.Item(LOOP_COUNTER +1),True,True
End If
'To remove all printers incuding LOCAL printers use this statement and comment out the If Statement above
'WSHNetwork.RemovePrinterConnection WSHPrinters.Item(LOOP_COUNTER +1),True,True
'Remove a specific printer
WSHNetwork.RemovePrinterConnection "\\ServerOld\HP5si",True,True
'Install Printers
WSHNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\Server\HP5si"
' This section of script will prevent the baloon window that appears when printing
' to a network shared printer after XP Service Pack 2 is installed.
Path = "HKCU\Printers\Settings\EnableBalloonNotificationsRemote"
WshShell.RegWrite Path, 0 ,"REG_DWORD"
'Clean Up Memory We Used
set UserObj = Nothing
set GroupObj = Nothing
set WSHNetwork = Nothing
set DomainString = Nothing
set WSHSHell = Nothing
Set WSHPrinters = Nothing
'Quit the Script
Your VBscript is great it's doing almost of everything I WANTED. I've been searching for two months on the web for a clean VB SCRIPT and I found so many but non worked...until I found yours.
Now, I need to do the following......
1. Assign network printers based on group membership
2. Install multiple backup network printers for each group
3. Assign default printers for each group
Also I like yours ADD ON GREETINGS MSG BOX... is it possible to put more than one vbscript in netlogon share or everything has to be in only one script?
Thanks for saving my job!
' NAME: LogonScript.vbs
' AUTHOR: Mark D. MacLachlan, The Spider's Parlor
' URL : ' DATE : 4/10/2003
' COMMENT: Enumerates current users' group memberships in given domain.
Dim WSHShell, WSHNetwork, objDomain, DomainString, UserString, UserObj, Path
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WSHNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set objDomain = getObject("LDAP://rootDse")
DomainString = objDomain.Get("dnsHostName")
UserString = WSHNetwork.UserName
'Bind to the user object to get user name and check for group memberships later
Set UserObj = GetObject("WinNT://" & DomainString & "/" & UserString)
'Synchronizes the time with Server our NTP Server
WSHShell.Run "NET TIME \\Server /set /y"
'Disconnect any drive mappings as needed.
WSHNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive "F:"
'Disconnect ALL mapped drives
Set clDrives = WshNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives
For i = 0 to clDrives.Count -1 Step 2
WSHNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive clDrives.Item(i)
'Give the PC time to do the disconnect, wait 300 milliseconds
wscript.sleep 300
'Map drives needed by all
WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "U:", "\\server\users",True
WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "X:", "\\server\executables",True
'Now check for group memberships and map appropriate drives
For Each GroupObj In UserObj.Groups
Select Case GroupObj.Name
'Check for group memberships and take needed action
'In this example below, ADMIN and WORKERB are groups.
Case "Admin"
WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "w:", "\\Server\Admin Stuff",True
Case "WorkerB"
WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "w:", "\\Server\Shared Documents",True
End Select
'Remove ALL old printers
'Enumerate all printers first, after that you can select the printers you want by performing some string checks
Set WSHPrinters = WSHNetwork.EnumPrinterConnections
For LOOP_COUNTER = 0 To WSHPrinters.Count - 1 Step 2
'To remove only networked printers use this If Statement
If Left(WSHPrinters.Item(LOOP_COUNTER +1),2) = "\\" Then
WSHNetwork.RemovePrinterConnection WSHPrinters.Item(LOOP_COUNTER +1),True,True
End If
'To remove all printers incuding LOCAL printers use this statement and comment out the If Statement above
'WSHNetwork.RemovePrinterConnection WSHPrinters.Item(LOOP_COUNTER +1),True,True
'Remove a specific printer
WSHNetwork.RemovePrinterConnection "\\ServerOld\HP5si",True,True
'Install Printers
WSHNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\Server\HP5si"
' This section of script will prevent the baloon window that appears when printing
' to a network shared printer after XP Service Pack 2 is installed.
Path = "HKCU\Printers\Settings\EnableBalloonNotificationsRemote"
WshShell.RegWrite Path, 0 ,"REG_DWORD"
'Clean Up Memory We Used
set UserObj = Nothing
set GroupObj = Nothing
set WSHNetwork = Nothing
set DomainString = Nothing
set WSHSHell = Nothing
Set WSHPrinters = Nothing
'Quit the Script