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logon script that joins domain users in an OU to domain groups 1

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Apr 15, 2005

I badly need help, do you have a logon script that when a user/s login they will be automatically be added to a certain domain group? I want to implement this in GPO in AD>, user config startup script. please help. Thanks and more power!

based on what criteria? i.e. how do we know which group they should be added to???

Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & WshShell.ExpandEnvStr("%userdomain%") & "/" & WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%username%") & ",user")
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://mydomain/mygroup,group")
Set objUser = Nothing
Ser objGroup = Nothing

please excuse my use of WinNT and WshShell
sorry, try and combine these two, i,.e the user stuff and the .Parent, saves you having to worry about a text compare on the ADsPath

Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUserPath = "LDAP://" & objSysInfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject(strUserPath)
Wscript.Echo objUser.ADsPath


'Bind to Active Directory System Information
Set adsinfo = CreateObject("adsysteminfo")

'Bind to the Domain
Set DomainObj = GetObject("LDAP://" & adsinfo.DomainDNSname)

'Bind to the active directory computer object
Set ADCompObj = GetObject("LDAP://" & adsinfo.ComputerName)

'You can determine the OU of the computer you are currently running the script on by using the parent property.
Set ADCompOU = GetObject(AdcompObj.Parent)
Hi Mrmovie,

thanks for the reply, but i see in the script a computer OU, what i need is the domain users, inside solec OU, be automatically addedd to the group for ex. hellogroup, when they login?


hi solec, yes thats right you will need to look at the examples i provided and get something working for yourself...something like this?

Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUserPath = "LDAP://" & objSysInfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject(strUserPath)
Wscript.Echo objUser.ADsPath
Set objParent = GetObject(objUser.Parent)
strParent = objParent.ADsPath

Select Case strParent
Case "ou=users,dc=net,dc=com"
strGroup = "usersgroupx"
Case "ou=admins,dc=net,dc=com"
strGroup = "adminsgroupx"
End Select
If strGroup <> "" Then
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://mydomain/mygroup,group")
Set objUser = Nothing
End If

'as i dont know exactly what you want to achieve and what other factors you are considering then the above might just give you more of a push in the right direction. its the not the best code in the world but i've only been awake 40 mins and coffee is calling :)

Hi Mrmovie!

Thanks for your response! 40 minutes awake and u contributed a good script!, the below script is i have so far, but it won't work. I need any new users created in AD or old users when put into the Intuit OU, when they login, a startup script will kick in and they will be joine to a group called smtp restricted. if they are already joined, nothing will happen. Thanks for all the help! Cheers!


Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUserPath = "LDAP://" & objSysInfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject(strUserPath)
Wscript.Echo objUser.ADsPath
Set objParent = GetObject(objUser.Parent)
strParent = objParent.ADsPath

Select Case strParent
Case "OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com"
strGroup = "usersgroupx"
Case "CN=SMTP Restricted Intuit,OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com"
strGroup = "adminsgroupx"
End Select
If strGroup <> "" Then
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://corp.suth.com/PHL/MAN/CLK/USERS/INTUIT,SMTP Restricted Intuit")
Set objUser = Nothing
End If
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUserPath = "LDAP://" & objSysInfo.UserName
Set objSysInfo = Nothing
Set objUser = GetObject(strUserPath)
Wscript.Echo "userpath=" & objUser.ADsPath
Set objParent = GetObject(objUser.Parent)
strParent = objParent.ADsPath
Wscript.Echo "users ou location = " & strParent
Set objParent = Nothing

Select Case strParent
Case "ou=users,dc=net,dc=com"
strGroup = "usersgroupx"
Case "ou=admins,dc=net,dc=com"
strGroup = "adminsgroupx"
End Select

If strGroup <> "" Then
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://mydomain/mygroup,group")
Set objGroup = Nothing
End If

Set objUser = Nothing
Hi Mrmovie!

Thanks for your response! 40 minutes awake and u contributed a good script!, the below script is i have so far, but it won't work. I need any new users created in AD or old users when put into the Intuit OU, when they login, a startup script will kick in and they will be joine to a group called smtp restricted. if they are already joined, nothing will happen. Thanks for all the help! Cheers!


Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUserPath = "LDAP://" & objSysInfo.UserName
Set objSysInfo = Nothing
Set objUser = GetObject(strUserPath)
Wscript.Echo "userpath=" & objUser.ADsPath
Set objParent = GetObject(objUser.Parent)
strParent = objParent.ADsPath
Wscript.Echo "users ou location = " & strParent
Set objParent = Nothing

Select Case strParent
   Case "OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com"
       strGroup = "usersgroupx"
   Case "CN=SMTP Restricted Intuit,OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com"
       strGroup = "adminsgroupx"
End Select

If strGroup <> "" Then
   Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://corp.suth.com/PHL/MAN/CLK/USERS/INTUIT,SMTP Restricted Intuit")
   Set objGroup = Nothing
End If
Set objUser = Nothing
Select Case strParent
Case "OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com"
strGroup = "usersgroupx"
Case "CN=SMTP Restricted Intuit,OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com"
strGroup = "adminsgroupx"
End Select

If strGroup <> "" Then
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://corp.suth.com/PHL/MAN/CLK/USERS/INTUIT,SMTP Restricted Intuit")
Set objGroup = Nothing
End If

Set objUser = Nothing

'change to
If LCase(strParent) <> "OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com" Then
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://NETBIOSDOMAINHERE,SMTP Restricted Intuit")
Set objGroup = Nothing
End If

Set objUser = Nothing

'you will need to substitue the netbiosdomainname for youve guessed it, you can get this dynamically in vbscript but for now just use the string to get things going.
i have never tried to bind to a group which has white space in the name, personally i would avoid the white space in group names but there you go
'the startup script, is that a machine one? in which case will it know anytying about the user????

'change to
If LCase(strParent) = LCase"OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com" Then
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://NETBIOSDOMAINHERE,SMTP Restricted Intuit")
Set objGroup = Nothing
End If

Set objUser = Nothing

'change to
If LCase(strParent) = LCase("OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com") Then
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://NETBIOSDOMAINHERE,SMTP Restricted Intuit")
Set objGroup = Nothing
End If

Set objUser = Nothing
Hi Mr.Movie!

Thank you for helping me in this script, i hope you won't get tired of supporting til we get to the bottom line of this, it still wont work, it just shows the user path, and ou path when i logon, but when i check the domain account that is inside the OU,it is not joined in the smtp restricted intuit group. Any more idea please?



Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUserPath = "LDAP://" & objSysInfo.UserName
Set objSysInfo = Nothing
Set objUser = GetObject(strUserPath)
Wscript.Echo "userpath=" & objUser.ADsPath
Set objParent = GetObject(objUser.Parent)
strParent = objParent.ADsPath
Wscript.Echo "users ou location = " & strParent
Set objParent = Nothing

If LCase(strParent) = LCase("OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com") Then
   Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://corp.suth.com,PHL,MAN,CLK,Users,Intuit,SMTP Restricted Intuit")
   Set objGroup = Nothing
End If
Set objUser = Nothing
[1] You could not add member (objUser.adspath) per LDAP path to a group (objGroup) referenced through WinNT provider.
[2] The path to the group using WinNT provider is problematic. Syntactically its form is guaranteed to be erroneous, in the last post or in the earlier posts.
[3] strParent is an adspath, whereas you compare it with a string of the format of distinguishedName. It won't ever match.

If I gather the posted info here and there, maybe you can simply try this to start with, assuming all those adspath's are all correct and I guess right of or not far from what you have in mind.
dim strOU, strGroup, strUserPath, objSysInfo, objUser, objParent, objOU

strOU = "OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com"
strGroup = "CN=SMTP Restricted" & "," & strOU

Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUserPath = "LDAP://" & objSysInfo.UserName
Set objSysInfo = Nothing

Set objUser = GetObject(strUserPath)
Set objParent = GetObject(objUser.Parent)
Set objOU=GetObject("LDAP://" & strOU)
If strcomp(objParent.ADsPath,objOU.ADsPath,1)=0 Then
Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & strGroup)
on error resume next
objGroup.Add objUser.ADsPath
on error goto 0
Set objGroup = Nothing
End If

Set objOU = Nothing
Set ObjParent = Nothing
Set objUser = Nothing
The strGroup should be read like this, missing "intuit".
[tt] strGroup = "CN=SMTP Restricted [red]Intuit[/red]" & "," & strOU[/tt]
Not at all, mrmovie, your first reply stands. Only, the message is difficult to get through sometimes.
Hi Tsuji and Mrmovie,

Thank you for helping me out on this, however the script still won't work, i put the script as a logon script however, the user is still not added to the smtp restricted intuit group, there are no errors on the script, any idea? the path of the smtp restricted group is
CN=SMTP Restricted Intuit,OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com, any idea? Thanks mucho!


dim strOU, strGroup, strUserPath, objSysInfo, objUser, objParent, objOU

strOU = "OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com"
strGroup = "CN=SMTP Restricted Intuit" & "," & strOU

Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUserPath = "LDAP://" & objSysInfo.UserName
Set objSysInfo = Nothing

Set objUser = GetObject(strUserPath)
Set objParent = GetObject(objUser.Parent)
Set objOU=GetObject("LDAP://" & strOU)
If strcomp(objParent.ADsPath,objOU.ADsPath,1)=0 Then
    Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & strGroup)
    on error resume next
    objGroup.Add objUser.ADsPath
    on error goto 0
    Set objGroup = Nothing
End If

Set objOU = Nothing
Set ObjParent = Nothing
Set objUser = Nothing
You can echo out strUserPath for the login user see if it is container in the objOU in question. That is the who point of the exercise.
[tt] wscript.echo strUserPath[/tt]
Also you can echo the grouptype of the group in question see if it is a global group (2) at the place after objGroup is set up.
[tt] wscript.echo objGroup.grouptype[/tt]

This is the script so far and still wo'nt work, any ideas? sorry to bother u guys...


dim strOU, strGroup, strUserPath, objSysInfo, objUser, objParent, objOU, objGroup

strOU = "OU=Intuit,OU=Users,OU=CLK,OU=MAN,OU=PHL,DC=corp,DC=suth,DC=com"
strGroup = "CN=SMTP Restricted Intuit" & "," & strOU

Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUserPath = "LDAP://" & objSysInfo.UserName
wscript.echo strUserPath
Set objSysInfo = Nothing

Set objUser = GetObject(strUserPath)
Set objParent = GetObject(objUser.Parent)
Set objOU=GetObject("LDAP://" & strOU)
If strcomp(objParent.ADsPath,objOU.ADsPath,1)=0 Then
    Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & strGroup)
    wscript.echo objGroup.grouptype
    on error resume next
    objGroup.Add objUser.ADsPath
    on error goto 0
    Set objGroup = Nothing
End If

Set objOU = Nothing
Set ObjParent = Nothing
Set objUser = Nothing
For a particular candidate user, what are those data? (It is just for debugging, not for permanent use.) Post the echo. It is the data which help debugging, not the script anymore.
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