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Logon script problems...

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Technical User
Mar 8, 2001
In my attempts to get a simple .bat file to run when my users log onto the win2K server, I have read and done everything posted in TechTips, but to no avail. I placed the .bat file in my C:\winnt\sysvol\sysvol\yourdomainname\scripts folder, gone into the environment of the user's properties and given it the name of the script to run (even adding the location of the file), but still to no avail.

What are some things I might be overlooking? Any "obvious" steps I might be leaving out?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Try putting them into your Netlogon network share folder (this in theory is the same as C:\winnt\sysvol\sysvol\yourdomainname\scripts so don't worry).
Click on the start button, go to run and then open up the server netlogon folder such as \\server\netlogon
Put your bat files in there..
I can go there and run the batch file OK, but it still doesn't execute when I boot up and log on. Do I need to look at sharing or permissions, or is it already implicitly shared? This is very baffling! Thanks.
Make sure you have read and execute permissions at the very least!!
Are you using GPO's? If so is there a top level GPO overriding a lower one where you scrips may be running?
No, it isn't using GPO's (as far as I can tell), and I can go to the file on the server and run it, so I know that there isn't a permissions problem. So, let me ask a dumb question: how do I check to see if there are GPO's in effect?
If you want to check the GPO's, go to AD Users and Computer and you can right click the domain container or the organisational unit, there should be something there to check the GPO settings. But if you haven't touched them then I don't think this is the problem.
From the beginning, these are the steps to get the logon scripts running..
1. Put the logon scripts in the \\server\netlogon folder (I use the .bat extension on my logon scripts)
2. Make sure the user in AD Users and Computers, their profile contains teh logon script name, ie if you called it logon.bat then put that in there! (I notice you said you indicated the path, you don't need that.. just use logon.bat)
3. Make sure taht the user is actually logging into the domain and not his workstation (I know this sounds stupid but I have seen this and they wondered why they saw no network drives etc)
This is kinda weird but try this one:
in the logon script field where you type the batch file's path type it without extention.
This was the problem why the logon script didn't run at a user's logon.
Thanks for all the suggestions, guys. You have no idea how great it is to have a resource like you guys available when all else fails. I'll try these last two ideas out Monday when I get to the office and see what happens. Crossing my fingers!
Sorry for the delay in replying. I checked to see if my predecessor had enabled GPO's on the server, and none are in effect. I am really at a loss as to what to do next, other than give up and move on to something else. Thanks again for the suggestions all you have given.
I've seen this happen when the domain isn't specified in the TCP/IP properties on a win9x machine and/or the machine isn't logging into the domain on a win2k/xp machine.

Make sure that the machine is specifying the domain in the TCP/IP or in the login window.

-Jason Hand
All the machines on the network log on to the domain, so I'm at a loss as to what else it can be. The server was set up by some rookies a couple of months before I came on board, so I'm still finding stuff they did (or didn't do). But this logon deal has really got me perplexed.
One thing to note with login scripts and windows 2000 server, if your login clients are on an older version of windows other than 2000 then mapping to SUB folders in the sript doesn't work. win2k to win 2k is fine, but win2k to say win 98 doesnt work. Solution....the sub folders you are trying to map to in the login scripts need to be moved up in their share properties, ie when you look at the server through network naighbourhood you can see them, therefore script will look like....net use M:\\ servername\user folder name. instead of net use M:\\ servername\department\users\username. Note, this is a pain when you have a few hundred users to write sripts for ! use copy n' paste and just rename the scripts to the users name !
I'll give it a whirl. Nothing else has worked, and it's hard to believe something so simple should turn out to be so baffling!
I am having the same problem, although it is intermittant and only at one site (that I am aware of). All machines involved are Windows 2000, but the domain needs to be in mixed mode for other reasons. The login scripts were specified both with and without .bat. Email works fine and the drives can be mapped manually without specifing additional credentials.
Found one possible fix. Log on to the machine as local admin. Rename the users profile to something else (add a 1 to the end) c:\Documents and Settings\. Log out, get the user to log in and out. Log on as local admin and delete the new profile. Change the name back to normal on the original profile (remove the one).
On client -
check availabilty of script.
In a CMD shell echo '%LOGONSERVER%' call script from this logon server
Start RUN '%LOGONSERVER%\netlogon\script.bat'
Are folder settings set to 'hide known file extensions'?
Open CMD shell 'net share' - make sure netlogon is listed.
Check permissions for netlogon security to ensure Authenticated users can read and execute.

Is %LOGONSERVER% busy processing?

It's also possible the server has spotted the connection as a slow link and has elected not to process the scripts or policy objects. Is there loads of network chatter?

I'm afraid I can't try anything on the server until I get it off life support. It started doing it's Linda Blair immitation last Friday, so it's barely functional. I hope to get it repaired this weekend, then I'll see again about scripting. Thanks, guys.

I can't help, but for your comfort I've got exactaly the same problem. None of the suggestions so far have solved it for me either.
Here is the dumb one. Can you resolve name of your server from the workstation? May be you need in the path point to the IP address instead? If your DNS is not intact, and WINS is not runninig. NETBIOS is not there by default. How do you resolve the name?
Hope this is a really dumb one....
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