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Login Timeout on Exchange server 2003

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May 22, 2007

I have a 440 login timeout when I try to logon the server using a vbscript. The passord is hardcoded like this:

strUserName = "bilbo"
strPassword = "hobbit"

is it ok?

When I log onto the server via a webbrowser there are no problems. The script was working fine until we changed the "access gateway" to the server which before didn't ask for a password.

Thank you,

Without seeing your code how would we know if it is OK?

You could try prefixing the user name with domain\

I hope you find this post helpful.



Check out my scripting solutions at
Work SMARTER not HARDER. The Spider's Parlor's Admin Script Pack is a collection of Administrative scripts designed to make IT Administration easier! Save time, get more work done, get the Admin Script Pack.
Ok, here it is:

Option Explicit

' Variables.
Dim strCalendarURI           ' As String
Dim reqDoc                   ' As Msxml2.DOMDocument
Dim resDoc                   ' As Msxml2.DOMDocument
Dim pi                       ' As IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction
Dim strPassword              ' As String
Dim strUserName              ' As String
Dim searchrequestNode        ' As IXMLDOMNode
Dim sqlNode                  ' As IXMLDOMNode
Dim strQuery                 ' As String
Dim queryNode                ' As IXMLDOMText
Dim req                      ' As MSXML2.XMLHTTP
Dim objSubjectNodeList       ' As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim objLocationNodeList      ' As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim objuidNodeList      ' As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim objStartTimeNodeList     ' As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim objEndTimeNodeList       ' As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim objFacilityNodeList       ' As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim objdtstampNodeList       ' As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim objBusyStatusNodeList    ' As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim objInstanceTypeNodeList  ' As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim objtextdescriptionNodeList  ' As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim objNode                  ' As IXMLDOMNode
Dim i                        ' As Integer
Dim strInstanceType          ' As String
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile
Dim strOutputFile
Dim MyTimeStart1
Dim MyTimeStart2
Dim MyTimeStart3
Dim MyTimeEnd1
Dim MyTimeEnd2
Dim MyTimeEnd3
Dim TimeCriteria1
Dim TimeCriteria2

' Initialize variables.

TimeCriteria1 = now

TimeCriteria2 = "'" & mid (formatDateTime (TimeCriteria1, 2),7,4) & "/" & mid (formatDateTime (TimeCriteria1, 2),4,2) & "/" & mid (formatDateTime (TimeCriteria1, 2),1,2) & " " & mid (formatDateTime (TimeCriteria1, 4), 1,5) & ":00'"

strUserName = "blabla"
strPassword = "blabla"
strCalendarURI = "[URL unfurl="true"]https://outlook/exchange/soscmissiongcsupport/calendar/"[/URL]
set reqDoc = createobject("microsoft.xmldom")
set resDoc = createobject("microsoft.xmldom")
set pi = reqDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version=""1.0""")

' Append processing instruction node to the DOM document.
reqDoc.appendChild pi

' Create the DAV:searchrequest node and set it
' to the root element of the document.
set searchrequestNode = reqDoc.createNode(1,"searchrequest","DAV:")
set reqDoc.documentElement = searchrequestNode

' Create the DAV:sql node and append it to the root element.
set sqlNode = reqDoc.createNode(1,"sql","DAV:")
searchrequestNode.appendChild sqlNode

' Build the SQL query.
strQuery = "SELECT ""urn:schemas:calendar:location"", ""urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"", "
strQuery = strQuery & " ""urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart"", ""urn:schemas:calendar:uid"",  "
strQuery = strQuery & " ""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:forms#Facility"", ""urn:schemas:calendar:dtstamp"",  " 
strQuery = strQuery & " ""urn:schemas:calendar:dtend"", ""urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription"", " 
strQuery = strQuery & " ""urn:schemas:calendar:busystatus"", ""urn:schemas:calendar:instancetype"" "
strQuery = strQuery & " FROM Scope('SHALLOW TRAVERSAL OF """ & strCalendarURI & """') "
strQuery = strQuery & "WHERE NOT ""urn:schemas:calendar:instancetype"" = 1 "
strQuery = strQuery & "AND ""DAV:contentclass"" = 'urn:content-classes:appointment' "
strQuery = strQuery & "AND ""urn:schemas:calendar:dtend"" > " & " " & TimeCriteria2 
strQuery = strQuery & "ORDER BY ""urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart"" ASC"

' Create the SQL query textnode and append it to document.
set queryNode = reqDoc.createTextNode(strQuery)
sqlNode.appendChild queryNode

' Create the XMLHTTP object.
set req = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp")

' Specify the SEARCH method, the URL, that the request will be sent synchronously,
' the user name, and the password.
req.open "SEARCH", strCalendarURI, false, strUserName, strPassword

' Set the Content-Type header to "text/xml".
req.setrequestheader "Content-Type", "text/xml"

' Send the SEARCH request.
req.send reqDoc

' An error occurred on the server.
If req.status >= 500 Then

   'Display request status and status text.
   msgbox "Status: " & req.status
   msgbox "Status text: An error occurred on the server."

' Success. Display the item display names.
ElseIf req.status = 207 Then

   ' Display request status and status text.

   ' Get the XML response.
   set resDoc = req.responseXML

   ' Build a list of the urn:schemas:httpmail:subject XML nodes,
   ' corresponding to the calendar item subjects returned in the search request.
   ' The urn:schemas:httpmail: namespace is typically
   ' assigned the e: prefix in the XML response body.
   Set objSubjectNodeList = resDoc.getElementsByTagName("e:subject")

   ' Build a list of the urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription XML nodes,
   ' corresponding to the calendar item descriptions returned in the search request.
   ' The urn:schemas:httpmail: namespace is typically
   ' assigned the e: prefix in the XML response body.
   Set objtextdescriptionNodeList = resDoc.getElementsByTagName("e:textdescription")
   ' Build a list of the urn:schemas:calendar:location XML nodes,
   ' corresponding to the calendar item locations returned in the search request.
   ' The urn:schemas:calendar: namespace is typically
   ' assigned the d: prefix in the XML response body.
   Set objLocationNodeList = resDoc.getElementsByTagName("d:location")
      ' Build a list of the urn:schemas:calendar:Facility XML nodes,
   ' corresponding to the calendar item Facility returned in the search request.
   ' The urn:schemas:calendar: namespace is typically
   ' assigned the d: prefix in the XML response body.
   Set objFacilityNodeList = resDoc.getElementsByTagName("f:Facility")
      ' Build a list of the urn:schemas:calendar:dtstamp XML nodes,
   ' corresponding to the calendar item dtstamp returned in the search request.
   ' The urn:schemas:calendar: namespace is typically
   ' assigned the d: prefix in the XML response body.
   Set objdtstampNodeList = resDoc.getElementsByTagName("d:dtstamp")
   ' Build a list of the urn:schemas:calendar:uid XML nodes,
   ' corresponding to the calendar item uids returned in the search request.
   ' The urn:schemas:calendar: namespace is typically
   ' assigned the d: prefix in the XML response body.
   Set objuidNodeList = resDoc.getElementsByTagName("d:uid")

   ' Build a list of the urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart XML nodes,
   ' corresponding to the calendar item start times returned in the
   ' search request.
   Set objStartTimeNodeList = resDoc.getElementsByTagName("d:dtstart")

   ' Build a list of the urn:schemas:calendar:dtend XML nodes,
   ' corresponding to the calendar item end times returned in the
   ' search request.
   Set objEndTimeNodeList = resDoc.getElementsByTagName("d:dtend")

   ' Build a list of the urn:schemas:calendar:busystatus XML nodes,
   ' corresponding to the calendar item busy statuses returned in the
   ' search request.
   Set objBusyStatusNodeList = resDoc.getElementsByTagName("d:busystatus")
   ' Build a list of the urn:schemas:calendar:instancetype XML nodes,
   ' corresponding to the calendar item instance types returned in the
   ' search request.
   Set objInstancetypeNodeList = resDoc.getElementsByTagName("d:instancetype")

   If objSubjectNodeList.length > 0 Then
      ' generate a filename base on the script name
	strOutputFile = "C:\WebCal\" & "Calendar1.ics"

	Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject")
	Set objOutputFile = objFileSystem.CreateTextFile(strOutputFile, TRUE)
      ' Loop through returned calendar items.
      For i = 0 To (objSubjectNodeList.length -1)
	     ' Display subject.
         Set objNode = objSubjectNodeList.nextNode
		 objOutputFile.WriteLine("SUMMARY:" & objNode.Text)

		 ' Display description.
         Set objNode = objtextdescriptionNodeList.nextNode
		 objOutputFile.WriteLine("DESCRIPTION:" & objNode.Text)

         ' Display location.
         Set objNode = objLocationNodeList.nextNode
		 objOutputFile.WriteLine("LOCATION:" & objNode.Text)
         ' Display uid.
         Set objNode = objuidNodeList.nextNode
		 objOutputFile.WriteLine("UID:" & objNode.Text)

         '200 Display start time.
         Set objNode = objStartTimeNodeList.nextNode
		 MyTimeStart1 = Mid(objNode.Text,9,2) & "/" & Mid(objNode.Text,6,2) & "/" & Mid(objNode.Text,1,4) & " " & Mid(objNode.Text,12,2) & ":" & Mid(objNode.Text,15,2) & ":00"
		 MyTimeStart2 = DateAdd("h", -4, MyTimeStart1)
		 MyTimeStart3 = mid (formatDateTime (MyTimeStart2, 2),7,4) & mid (formatDateTime (MyTimeStart2, 2),4,2) & mid (formatDateTime (MyTimeStart2, 2),1,2) & "T" & mid (formatDateTime (MyTimeStart2, 4), 1,2) & mid (formatDateTime (MyTimeStart2, 4), 4,2) & "00Z"
		 objOutputFile.WriteLine ("DTSTART:" & MyTimeStart3)

         ' Display end time.
         Set objNode = objEndTimeNodeList.nextNode
		 MyTimeEnd1 = Mid(objNode.Text,9,2) & "/" & Mid(objNode.Text,6,2) & "/" & Mid(objNode.Text,1,4) & " " & Mid(objNode.Text,12,2) & ":" & Mid(objNode.Text,15,2) & ":00"
		 MyTimeEnd2 = DateAdd("H", -4, MyTimeEnd1)
		 MyTimeEnd3 = mid (formatDateTime (MyTimeEnd2, 2),7,4) & mid (formatDateTime (MyTimeEnd2, 2),4,2) & mid (formatDateTime (MyTimeEnd2, 2),1,2) & "T" & mid (formatDateTime (MyTimeEnd2, 4), 1,2) & mid (formatDateTime (MyTimeEnd2, 4), 4,2) & "00Z"
 		 objOutputFile.WriteLine ("DTEND:" & MyTimeEnd3)

         ' Display Facility.
         Set objNode = objFacilityNodeList.nextNode
		 objOutputFile.WriteLine("FACILITY:" & objNode.Text)
          ' Display dtstamp.
         Set objNode = objdtstampNodeList.nextNode
		 objOutputFile.WriteLine("dtstamp:" & objNode.Text)

         ' Display busy status.
         Set objNode = objBusyStatusNodeList.nextNode

   	strOutputFile = "C:\WebCal\" & "Calendar1.ics"

	Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject")
	Set objOutputFile = objFileSystem.CreateTextFile(strOutputFile, TRUE)
   End If

   ' Display the status, status text, and response text.
   msgbox "Status: " & req.status
   msgbox "Status text: " & req.statustext
   msgbox "Response text: " & req.responsetext

End If

' Clean up.
Set req = nothing


Set objFileSystem = Nothing

Is the machine the script is being run from on the same domain as the machine being queried?

I hope you find this post helpful.



Check out my scripting solutions at
Work SMARTER not HARDER. The Spider's Parlor's Admin Script Pack is a collection of Administrative scripts designed to make IT Administration easier! Save time, get more work done, get the Admin Script Pack.
Yes it is.

I'll put this thread on hold for the moment because it seems the problem lies at the IT departement.

But thanks for the help.
Seems it is back on my shoulders :p

If any of you have an idea.
The problem happens at logon.
Try using domain\username format.

I hope you find this post helpful.



Check out my scripting solutions at
Work SMARTER not HARDER. The Spider's Parlor's Admin Script Pack is a collection of Administrative scripts designed to make IT Administration easier! Save time, get more work done, get the Admin Script Pack.
I already tried it without success.

Is there a different way to assign a password to a variable? I've seen on some sites: "!password" which didn't work either.
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