I have a requirement where the business wants to allow
only certain users to login during peak hours (between
8.00 a.m to 11.00 a.m)everyday. So I have to restrict
the login of certain users into MicroStrategy.
Do anyone have an idea of how to restrict the user
login for certain duration of the day and for all days.
How to accomplish this. Have anyone implemented this in
your organisation.
Well, I would also like to know how you handle
the MicroStrategy queries during the data loading
process. Do u bring the down I-Server while the data
is loaded into the data warehouse during the nightly
batch process.
(My idea is to try to create a script through command
manager and run it as a batch process everynight so
that it stops and restarts the server automatically.
Is this doable and if anyone have done it can you share
the script.)
kindly share your experience and ideas. Appreciate
your response.