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Login but Drive mappings not working nw65 sp5

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Feb 7, 2003
Im not sure if this is related to be possible disk problem, the fact we're on sp5 or somthing else, but anyone else come across this.

I got the server running ok yesterday, half the people who logged in this am were fine, now though i can log in but the drive mappings dont work. if i try and map manually it also fails.

running console1 from my pc also doesnt conect properly..

nothing on the server to say anythings wrong.

Help im going mad..

Interestingly I just disabled the logins as i was going to call it a day and wait untill all the existing users had logged out. then on a whim i enabled logins, and low and behold i can log back in and all the drive mappings come back ?

any comments ?

Did you disable login when you did the service pack install?

Iolair MacWalter
Director of IT
It was a migration. I installed ne65 then the service pack then did the migration. ( from nw5)

the new migrated server has been running for about a week.

then started giving problems yesterday
When exactly was the last time you rebooted the server? Before the service pack install? After the service pack install? Or after the migration?

Iolair MacWalter

Iolair MacWalter
Director of IT
The machine had been rebooted several times since the install,service pack and migration. and had been running for about 24 hours since the last reboot.

It sounds like you could be having a licensing issue, but based on several of your posts, I gather that your experience with Netware is limited... And so I have to only assume that there could have been several other things that could have gone wrong based on not understanding exactly what is happening when and where.

With NetWare, reboots don't fix stuff. They aren't required usually, and if you have a misconfigured server, you still have a misconfigured server after you reboot.

The best thing you could do is learn how to do an NDS health check for starters. Read up on the Novell documentation. Note any error codes and look them up on the TIDS. Learn where the log files are and start checking them for errors.

Ask questions if you want, but a little one on one training of how to do things, what to expect, and what to look for could go a long way. A lot of times there are posts from people asking questions that have nothign to do with the actual problem, just simply because they don't understand what the problem is.

Go to this link on my website for some basic things you need to know and check for.
Good Luck.

Marvin Huffaker, MCNE
Hi, I've got quite a lot of nw experience 3.12 cne ( ok a bit out of date <LOL>) and build plenty of servers... (3-4-5-6) although not many recently... Ive got 4 other boxes running 6.5 and none of them have given me a problem. This one is the only migration of the 4 the others were virgin builds and recreated nds entries. I'll admit my 6.5 experience is a little limited its also the only one running sp5. (the 4 are also the same h/w - intel boards and cases)

The initial migration went fine other than the slip up with the licencing ( forgetting to put the 6.5 licences back on before reboot after it migrated the 5 licences). and the box was running fine untill the problems started yesterday..

whats driving me insane is that there is nothing in any of the logs indicating a problem, ds repair has no problems, nssmu /poolverify has no problems etc... and all the health monitors are in the green .so im trying to work out if its a migration issue, mis configuration, or an error caused by the possible disk issue..

The login one yesterday again there was nothing on the server to indicate a problem I ran the licenceing report and that was fine an nothing in the logs. The users logged in earlier were fine, but the later logins could login ok but the drive mappings in the login script didnt run, and if you tried to map a netware drive, when you went to browse the browse box on the server would hang, again with no error message !!

I'll have a browse on your web site though, and take any help I can get :)

Cheers Graham

p.s. this is reminding me of a nw4 server a few years ago. mirrored disks on latest compaq h/w. the server came up quicker than it span up the drives so reported drive failure on the mirror.. took ages to work that one out and ended up with a patch being produced, so these days i try to stay a bit behind the edge on hw <LOL>
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