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Login area for different users and send them to diferent pages

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Technical User
Feb 11, 2001
Any one could help me about that. I have three tables that has the folling:
tb_users tb_level_user tb_url
user_id level_id url_id
user_username level_desc url_desc
user_pwd user_id

the matter is that tb_url; makes all the work.
I want to know how to make a login page that when check the fields of tb_url directs to the page (a field url_desc). I want to know how. Can anyone help me?
Hi! How about something like this:

After you do your query to determine what level the user is,
is the <cfoutput> portion:

<script language = &quot;javascript&quot;>
location.href = &quot;#tb_url#&quot;;

Hope this helps.
I suppose you could also use the cflocation tag.
You can use cflocation tag as well, just don't try and set a cookie on that page.
Best of luck,

I have the following, cause i rearmed the database tables for this purpose:
<cfapplication name=&quot;login&quot; clientmanagement=&quot;yes&quot; sessionmanagement=&quot;yes&quot; setclientcookies=&quot;yes&quot; sessiontimeout=&quot;#Createtimespan(0,0,20,0)#&quot; applicationtimeout=&quot;#createtimespan(2,0,0,0)#&quot;><cfset application.addtoken=&quot;cfid=#client.cfid#&cftoken=#client.cftoken#&quot;><cfset session.loginstatus=&quot;yes&quot;>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN&quot;>

<CFPARAM NAME=&quot;Action&quot; DEFAULT=&quot;&quot;>
<script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;>
function MM_reloadPage(init) { //reloads the window if Nav4 resized
if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName==&quot;Netscape&quot;)&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) {
document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }}
else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload();
// -->
<body bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot;>
<CFIF ACTION IS &quot;Login&quot;>
<CFQUERY NAME=&quot;CheckLogin&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;securitysat&quot;>
SELECT * FROM tb_users_company
WHERE user_user='#user_user#' AND user_password='#user_password#'
<CFIF CheckLogin.user_nivel is 1>
<cflocation url=&quot;index_a.cfm&quot;>
<cfelseif Checklogin.user_nivel is 2>
<cflocation url=&quot;index_b.cfm&quot;>
<cfelseif Checklogin.user_nivel is 3>
<cflocation url=&quot;index_b.cfm&quot;>
<cfelseif Checklogin.user_nivel is 4>
<cflocation url=&quot;index_c.cfm&quot;>
<cfelseif Checklogin.user_nivel is 5>
<cflocation url=&quot;index_c.cfm&quot;>
<cfelseif Checklogin.user_nivel is 6>
<cflocation url=&quot;index_d.cfm&quot;>
<cflocation url=&quot;login.cfm&quot;>

<FORM NAME=&quot;Login&quot; ACTION=&quot;login.cfm?CFID=#CFID#&CFTOKEN=#CFTOKEN#&quot; METHOD=&quot;post&quot;></CFOUTPUT>
<TABLE WIDTH=&quot;100%&quot;>
<TH colspan=&quot;2&quot; height=&quot;49&quot; class=&quot;etiqueta&quot;>Ingreso al Sistema</TH>
<TH WIDTH=&quot;254&quot;> <span class=&quot;campos&quot;>Nombre de usuario</span></TH>
<TD WIDTH=&quot;222&quot;>
<INPUT TYPE=&quot;text&quot; NAME=&quot;user_user&quot;>
<TH WIDTH=&quot;254&quot;> <span class=&quot;campos&quot;>Contraseña</span></TH>
<TD WIDTH=&quot;222&quot;>
<INPUT TYPE=&quot;password&quot; NAME=&quot;user_password&quot;>
<TD colspan=&quot;2&quot; height=&quot;54&quot;>
<div align=&quot;center&quot;>
<INPUT TYPE=&quot;hidden&quot; NAME=&quot;action&quot; VALUE=&quot;Login&quot;>
<INPUT TYPE=&quot;submit&quot; VALUE=&quot; L o g i n &quot; STYLE=&quot;background-color:#999999&quot;>
on the head of every protected page i put the following:
<cfif not isdefined(&quot;checklogin.user_user&quot;)>
<cflocation url=&quot;error.cfm&quot;>


The problem is that when i put the right pair of keys they take me to the error.cfm page everytime.

How do I fix the problem or is another reazoable way to do what I want.
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