You can't delete text files from a CD.
You also can't stop someone copying the files from the CD to some other location.
You CAN mark the files as hidden, but Windows will happily let you see them anyway.
What do they contain that you need to hide them?
Could you rename them as .VXD files or .DLL to discourage people from casually trying to read the contents?
dear friend
thank you for your reply. the ojective is some thing like we have some html files that are to be stoped from copying onto the hard drives of the users. do u have any idea how the cd contents can be stoped from coping and only the exe should be able to be executed not any othere file
Your best bet might be to encrypt the files and have your program decrypt them before using them. This isn't 100% because since the person has your program and the files they can always reverse engineer the program to get the decryption algorithm.
Other option is to use hired thugs to go around with your cd and beat up anyone that tries to copy the files.
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