Using: Report Designer 8.5
Situation: created Active X control that is integrated into a C++ app, reports are designed using ODBC to SQL Server 7.0 and reference a stored procedure. My active x control sets the location for the report based on the DSN and database name that it is connecting to (info provided by app).
Problem: many of my reports use on-demand subreports - I can't (as far as I know) programtically set the location for their datasource when I drill down on them. Thus, if either the database name or DSN name is different than what I designed it with, no data is returned after drilldown.
1) does anyone know of a way to set the table location for on-demand subreports?
2) is there a way to use aliasing to help here?
3) is there a way to link the data source for the master report to the subreport?
Any ideas appreciated.
Situation: created Active X control that is integrated into a C++ app, reports are designed using ODBC to SQL Server 7.0 and reference a stored procedure. My active x control sets the location for the report based on the DSN and database name that it is connecting to (info provided by app).
Problem: many of my reports use on-demand subreports - I can't (as far as I know) programtically set the location for their datasource when I drill down on them. Thus, if either the database name or DSN name is different than what I designed it with, no data is returned after drilldown.
1) does anyone know of a way to set the table location for on-demand subreports?
2) is there a way to use aliasing to help here?
3) is there a way to link the data source for the master report to the subreport?
Any ideas appreciated.