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Locate a pair on the blcok 1

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Jan 2, 2010
DOes anyone have a suggestion to locate "lost" pairs on lets say a BT that has several 66 blocks and is in a bad state, i.e. a "horror story of wires"!

Sometimes I have been able to dial the telephone number use my Toner Tester unit and take the wand, turn up the volume and run it over each of the blocks listening for that harsh ringing sound but this does not always find the lost pair.

Any suggestins or any equipment you can suggest I use to find hard to find "lost" pairs?
What kind of switch? I know on the SL-100, CS2100 you can actually place tone on the LEN itself from the switch. I always found that handy. Are you able to determine where the switch terminates to? Then you could just put a toner on it there and tone out the other end to see what cable pair it is on?
so was ryan, most COs can send tone on a line if you ask nicely.

NortelNate, yep baldwincl is right, it doesn't matter the type digital or analog phone line, most of the CO switches out there can place 1004 Hz on the line so you can tone it out. If you can talk to one of the switch techs and ask nicely they will probably be more than likely to help out.
Ido mostly rush work after hours do repair can not help new that late st night. so I am on my most times
Try holding the tip of your wand between your fingers, run your index finger of your other hand down the incoming cable count touching each pair, you can skip ones with no jumper. You can take the plate off the wall and try toning a pair that's not in use on the same wire, (if it goes all the way back).
As far as getting the LEC to send tone from the frame, good luck! You're lucky if you have the frame's number, then is the CO even attended, much less getting them to answer these days... May be small ICOs, but not the ILECs. They will usually tell you to open a trouble ticket. If it's Verizon forget it!

If you know the test number IE 800-whatever the number will play back or dial a cell from the block and look at the caller ID.
Sometimes the best way is to open a ticket for them to tag it. Or if you know where it should be tone it back from your block. Lastly dial the number and using your butt set go through the pairs trying to find it although if it's out from the street..... Having it tagged is probably best.

Good Luck,

use the 2 buttset method get on a line anac it first who knows you may have cliped on to it ..go off hook ...ring the number put it on speaker ...walk down the rj21x's or binder posts with 2nd test set in monitor eventually you should cross that number...
put your bare forearm against one of the 66 blocks that is used as the extended demark. then call the number you are trying to find. when you get shocked, that's the 66 block that has the number on it. now you just go down that block with a buttset dialing 1-800-444-4444 until you hit the number. if you don't have a buttset, just use your finger on the 66 block on each pair while dialing the number in question until you get shocked again.
PBXtech - Kidding right? I was going to suggest your method "tongue in cheek" but you sound almost serious.

NortelNate - It comes down to time. At what point will your time investment (randomly looking) exceed the cost of paying BT to tag the lines for you. You seem to have the tools and basic know-how but you lack access. Time to call in the specialist in my opinion.

Occam's Razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.
i am serious.

just like your sig says, 'all things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.'

some guys play a phoneman. others are the real thing.
I have seen guys do the buttset method and use there shears to cross each t&R on the block whilst ringing from the test phone !!

But the forearm and finger method has to be the stupidest
think I've heard why not tell him to dump water on the floor
and and make sure you hold on to the telco ground with your free hand ,,,,,
PBXtech - "All things being equal". I do not equate shocking myself with 20hz 105V AC with any legitimate means. No offense intended but you obviously have a masochistic streak.

Occam's Razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.
OSHA would not be impressed! Especially, if you happen to hit a 270v Duplex or a repeatered DS1 circuit, that could be life-threatening.

i am a little twisted and don't mind getting a little shock, but that comes from a 6 year enlistment before being a phoneman.
I once heard of a guy on the phone pole who called the test board and the test board convinced the guy on the pole to put his tongue on the pair. Then the tester sent ring current.
Line went dead and the tester, visualizing a guy falling off the pole, told his super he was going to break. got into his car and drove to the site to check his friend.
All was well in the end, but the butt set was thrown as far as the guy on the pole could throw it.
Tester agreed never to do it again. lol
You must have heard the one were the guys dog would bark every time the phone rang ....
Mugsiensedgwick - Your story reminds me of something I did in my novice years. I was wiring out a jack at the mainframe for a Modem. I connected the pair to the feed and needed to strip the wires to put them on the jack. Up to that point I had developed a habit of stripping wire with my teeth. Ring voltage straight thru my mouth is a memorable experience. Suffice it to say, I have not stripped wire with my teeth since.

Occam's Razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.
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