I'm fairly new to MySQL. I'm using version 8.0 on Linux Mint 20. I'm trying to fill a table with a csv file. The csv file is on another drive, so I used the following to load the table:
I forget what the original error was, but, searching, I found out about the mysql variable "secure_file_priv". The value of the variable is a path to where files can be uploaded from. In this case: /var/lib/mysql-files/
I was reading about how to disable that feature, but, rather than do that, I thought I would just copy the csv file to that directory (and maybe mess with disabling it later). I put the csv file directly in that folder. I tried again. I got some other cannot-open-file error.
Then I learned about the "local_infile" variable. I changed it from OFF to ON. Then I re-ran the code. I got:
ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement
I know it's running with that option on. That's why I tried to appease it and put my file in that exact directory. This feels very Catch 22.
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/path/to/file/whatever.csv'
INTO TABLE my_table
I forget what the original error was, but, searching, I found out about the mysql variable "secure_file_priv". The value of the variable is a path to where files can be uploaded from. In this case: /var/lib/mysql-files/
I was reading about how to disable that feature, but, rather than do that, I thought I would just copy the csv file to that directory (and maybe mess with disabling it later). I put the csv file directly in that folder. I tried again. I got some other cannot-open-file error.
Then I learned about the "local_infile" variable. I changed it from OFF to ON. Then I re-ran the code. I got:
ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement
I know it's running with that option on. That's why I tried to appease it and put my file in that exact directory. This feels very Catch 22.