I need to load a XML file from URL. I'm using the following instructions:
Dim oXMLdoc
Set oXMLdoc=server.createObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"
oXMLDoc.async = False
oXMLDoc.Load ("c:\test.xml"
Set currNode = oXMLDoc.firstChild
For i = 0 To currNode.childNodes.length - 1
The server send the following message:
Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01A8)
Object required
/Client/Saviour/XMLTree.asp, line 6
When I use the method "loadXML" with a string variable, it works.
Thanks for your help.
I need to load a XML file from URL. I'm using the following instructions:
Dim oXMLdoc
Set oXMLdoc=server.createObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"
oXMLDoc.async = False
oXMLDoc.Load ("c:\test.xml"
Set currNode = oXMLDoc.firstChild
For i = 0 To currNode.childNodes.length - 1
The server send the following message:
Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01A8)
Object required
/Client/Saviour/XMLTree.asp, line 6
When I use the method "loadXML" with a string variable, it works.
Thanks for your help.