I have a movie with 50 frames and I want to load the first 9 and display the first 9 before it finishes loading all 50 frames. The movie is taking 9 seconds to load. I want to shorten the time it takes to display anything on the screen.
You can't stop a movie from loading in entirity once it has started and a Flash movie isn't loaded in teh obvious manner one would assume, if you want to know how Flash swf files load data into the users computer have a look at the technotes at
Why don't you just separate them into two swf's and have your first one 'load' the second as soon as the first is fully loaded (i.e. action in last frame, or when getbytesloaded=getbytestotal, or when _framesloaded=_totalframes). If you don't know what I mean by those examples just shout, and either I or someone else will explain. (I'm just short of time at the minute).
My understanding of this problem... Would be to add a simple preloader (such as just a "LOADING" text - nothing to fancy, or else you'll need a preloader to load the preloader!), that will be on screen very fast... and 9 seconds later, the rest of your movie will be available!
this all sounds too 'deep' for something which may be relatively negligible. What kB size is the movie anyway? What speeds are you testing at? Is the fuss really worth it?
Old: Nice holiday? Managed to recover the Tek-tips files from my server, so panic over, but thanks for the offer. All I have to do now is recover the massive library of test-files I had created on my Flash PC and I'll be sane again (last count during recovery was 50,000 files...eeeck!) davdesign@pinkzeppelin.com
well i was thinking of this one yesterday for one of mine. i was just going to add a layer, like make it the first layer, have everything load behind it then make it disappear once the movie gets to a certian point so that everything shows at once once 'the first frame disappears'. help any?
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