Hi to who ever is reading this and thanx in advance....<br>my problem begins when i try to link an external SWF file into my movie... i'll explain more deeply <br>i have two seperate movies (movie1.fla and movie2.fla) from these movies i have the two seperate SWF files (movie1.swf and movie2.swf). With in "movie1.fla/movie1.swf" i have three SCENES and in "movie2.fla/movie2.swf" i have the one SCENE.On both "movies" and all SCENES i have a navigation system of FORWARD/BACKWARD arrows. These arrows movie you from SCENE1 to SCENE2 to SCENE3 the FORWARD arrow on "movie1.fla/movie1.swf" SCENE3 loads up the new movie "movie2.swf" on _LEVEL0 this bit works fine...The problem starts when i try to come back on my self from "movie2.swf" to the LAST SCENE "SCENE3" on "movie1.swf" ...... I have tried allsorts from targeting labed frames to movie clips pls could you help ive been on this problem for 1 whole week and its starting to hurt me pyhsically in my head and tum tums..... thanx again if you need a bit more info on this problem like the process i am useing ie.LOAD/UNLOAD and TELL TARGET then let me know.