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Load movie without changing scene

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Technical User
Jun 17, 2002
Here is what the site is supposed to look like minus a few buttons that will go at the bottom.

The two view windows in the middle, one on the left with the text scroller and the one on the right will change according to the option you click. My delima is that when I try and get Load Movie to work it works but it changes the whole page to the movie I told to load. How can I get the movies to load into the windows instead of changing the whole page?
On what level are you trying to load these new movies? Level 0? You are then replacing the movie that is there... But isn't that what you want to do? What is the actual code you're using? My guess is that you would have an illustration on the right side, and as you change the text on the left, maybe change the illustration on the right?
Don't need to use the loadMovie action, if it remains that simple. The use of movie clips would work as well. Regards,

I am looking into the movie clips suggestion and I think I might be able to get what I need from that. Ill see what happens.

well I guess it isn't going to be as simple as I made it out to be. The site is for a music group and there will be picture galleries that open in the right window which can take some time. If I use the movie clip method I have to wait for the pictures to load into the main movie before they are available right? If I use LoadMovie then I only have to wait for the pictures to load because the rest of the site is already there. I guess I am running into a problem that alot of people run into when they are fairly new to Flash which is making the movie too big so it takes a long time for dialup users to load it. I want to make the initial page nice and quick and then depending on the option depends on the wait. I am going to stick with the loading movie clips for the text and the pictures that go with them but the pictue galleries and video clips are what I am concerned about the most.
Well, I see your point, but depending on it's complexity, the rest of the site may not quite be "there" as soon as you think so. But a preloader should take care of that.

The easiest for you, would then be to design your first movie (the interface) without real content, or with at least some general intro content, and when you're satisfied with that layout, to save that original movie .fla under another name (Save as...) and then to edit the content of these copied movies to suit your needs. This has the advantage of giving you reference points and the movies being somewhat very similar and of the same size as the interface movie, they should align perfectly when you load them over your main movie. I would keep loading them on level 1, on top of your interface movie, because this way, loading a new movie automatically replaces the previous one. You might want to add preloaders to those movies also, at least for the initial download (until there in the user's cache), so that the user won't think nothing is happening! Regards,

OKay I have gotten the Load movie to work believe it or not :) Now I just have to get the location of where the movie appears setup and I think I might have a working site soon. If anyone knows where the option is for _x and _y coordinates are when loading a movie I would sure like to know. Until then I will be searching of course. Even a good tutorial would be nice.
You made your way thus far... No fear, you'll find out how to position your movies! Regards,

Well I got the text side to load how I want it to including coordinates but the issue that I have now is getting the previous text .swf to unload so it isn't visible anymore. It's kind of hard to read the new text with the other one below it. My brother was telling me about some script that you can add to make all the movies unload before the other one loads. Any idea what he was talking about? He wasn't sure what the scripting was but I sure need it. I am still looking of course but if anyone knows please post it.
I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!
Now I have to work again.
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