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Load combobox from recordset

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Technical User
Jul 27, 2004
I want to load a combobox on my form from a table in another sqlserver database. I can code to open the connection, load the recordset and debug.print it. But I was told in my 'Access:Developing Enterprise Applications' that I can't use a recordset as a source (to a form, table, query) and my rowsource for my combobox needs a source to fill the combobox during runtime. I tried to use

Me.cbxautofctitle.RowSource = "Select emp_id, first_name + ' ' + last_name from dbo_EmpNames where last_name is not null order by last_name" but the sql can't directly access the table w/o going through a recordset.

I thought of filling a temp table with data from the recordset and have the rowsource query use that table, but I haven't found a way of getting the data out of the recordset into the table. Does anyone have a way of getting the data out of the record set into a temp table OR a better method of doing what I'm trying to do? Or going direct: how do I reference 'Me.cbxautofctitle.RowSource =' directly to the data in the recordset?

Thanks in advance
Why not using a linked table ?

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ222-2244
Main reason is: To set up a linked table I would use an ODBC driver, which means that I would have to set manually up the link. Ultimately this ap is going to every desktop in our org and that's a lot of setup time and energy. With an ado connection I can code the connection, but I'm back to using recordsets and how to get the data out of the recordset and into a temp table or to the combobox row source direct.
Also, don't use the table as a recordsource for the combo - use a query of the table. This way you can sort the records as you wish.

Stewart J. McAbney | Talk History
Not that I've used it much, but in 2002+ versions, I think you can assign a recordset directly to combos/lists (they have a recordset propertey to utilize, in stead of rowsource). Then use the RowSourceType of "table/query", and just:

[tt]set me("cboMyCombo").recordset = rs[/tt]

'nother thing for 2002+ versions, is that lists and combos have .AddItem/.RemoveItem methods (see help file).

Else you're left with either concatinating the rowsource

[tt]dim strSource as string
do while not rs.eof
strSource = strSource & rs.fields("firstfield").value & ";" & _
rs.fields("secondfield").value & ";" ' ...
me("cboMyCombo").rowsource = strSource[/tt]

or try the following (works with ADO, probably also DAO)

[tt]me("cboMyCombo").rowsource = rs.getstring(adclipstring,,";",";")[/tt]

For the two latter alternatives, remember the row source type needs to be "ValueList", also on Access 2000, the size limit is 2048 characters.

Thanks, guys, I'll try these solutions in the morning and let you know how it goes. I do appreciate the answers.

I tried the first method:

set me.cbxautofctitle.recordset = rstEmp and got the same runtime error as: me.cbxautofctitle.rowsource = rstEmp. e.g. it didn't work.

Then I tried the second with this code:

Dim strSource As String
Do While Not rstEmp.EOF
strSource = strSource & rstEmp.Fields(0).Value & ";" & _
rstEmp.Fields(1).Value & ";" & _
rstEmp.Fields(2).Value & ";" & _
rstEmp.Fields(3).Value & ";" & _
rstEmp.Fields(4).Value & ";"
Me("cbxautofctitle").RowSource = strSource

and the rowsource did indeed have the data. I'll have to admit that I didn't understand the third method, but a BIG star to you, thanks much.
PS: I can't seem to find where I nominate you for a star.
Simply click this link:
Thank RoyVidar
for this valuable post!

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ222-2244
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