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Livelink Query from URL 2

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Feb 10, 2004
A few disparate questions, so do bear with me!

1. How would u execute a livelink query, get the first result's link and open that link all from a url? as in if i execute this particular _____________ url, i'll be able to
simulatenoesly execute a livelink query and open the first link. is htis possible?

2. How does llisapi.dll work? and what are the functions that are associated with it? where can i find documentation?

3. is it possible to run scripts in livelink?

the reason why i'm asking this, is i have a separate oracle database that has to link to the livelink server. However, it has limited functionality. How would i sent a url to a file in livelink, which will search in livelink for the particular file and display that searched file?

1)Please confirm by livelink query do you mean a live report or a serach qquery.
2)llisapi.dll is the IIS version of the livelink cgi.When a request is made a livelink cgi is spawned everytime as seen byy livelink.exe.The llisapi.dll hands over the handling to the webserver and hence has a very small memory considerations.This will be evidenced by your server's memory area much less increasing.When running a livelink cgi most often you may have to re0start evry few days to reclaim your memory.Possible problems are if you have receivebefioresend enabled that wouldnot make a difference.
3)By script what did you mean.The core livelink language is aclled OSCRIPT which gets compiled in a virtual machine called OVM.OT does not show the C++ code but it is in this abstraction layer.Running an OSCRPipt script is very easy.Javascript can be used interchangeably with oscript an are all client based implemantations.Perl ascripts can also be run.
also livelink search is not a database search approach.It is a complex keyword/metadata what not search.The reason why it shows up the documentid is because while creating the index it records the dataid's of the object.If you intend to do that kind of search then you may be better off using LAPI and in particular the searchAPI which exposes every known method that livelink uses fro its GUI operation

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
Mark Twain


I have a separate oracle database that runs at another server. That database has file information pertinent to our company. The actual files are stored in livelink. I want to create a link between the file information and the actual files so the user can click on the file and it will go to livelink and retrieve the files.

The file Db has a .NET web gui, and the only way it can access outside files is through web links. So i was wondering if by using a web link/url, i would be able to retrieve the files from livelink.

a) Using the link, the link automatically queries Livelink and produces the list of files corresponding to that file in DB. Is this possible?

b) Another idea i had: is it possible for the .NET db to send a link to an asp page in livelink, which will query the information and present the files on a web page?

ultimately, i want the information on a web page. thats the only the .NET db will accept it.

so what ties your non-livelink db to the livelink db.If there is a relation ship all you do is rig up a simple asp page and iterate thru your result set of the .You will just declare a master variable to hold your livelink url and then build up what ever the action that needs to happen in livelink
strURL="[URL unfurl="true"]http://mylivelinkwebserver:80/livelink.exe[/URL][llisapi.dll]"
strAction="doc.Fetch & llobjid= "
strqueryNonLLDB="select correspondingdataid,whatever from
 my nonlivelinkdb where [filter condition or for tests rownum < 100"

while there are Results
while Ended

This will result in a webpage which will populate dynamically the links for your livelink install.The key to locating an object(document) is locating the dataid in livelink's dtree.All the else can be re-constructed using any kind of VB,JAVA or whatever.If you have filtered query identifying the set of diocuments in livelink in your non-livelink DB all you have to do is run the query and change the dataid in your result set to .When a person clicks the link he will either get a login page or if you have single sign on then they will directly get to the link.Or even you could create a generic login account called guse and send it across in the link too

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
Mark Twain

Sounds cooL! except instead of doing a query to the DB from the asp page, can i pass the asp page a set of parameters? like the rainbow" and the asp page processes this information and searches livelink, finds the objID of the first link, and displays the contents of the folder of that objID?
If you know the schema of livelink( you just have to execute a NDA with your opentext sales rep )you will be amazed with what all you can acheive with livelink thru external queries.Also see the XML serch feature in livelink in the FAQ area by another great programmer that should give you lots of ideas to play with.Which makes me really wonder why do you have redundant information in a non-livelink database since you can almost do anything similar with the livelink DB itself.

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
Mark Twain


I am afraid I am lost in this regard.An asp can take parameters so can the livelink cgi or llisapi as evidenced by the func=blah&objid=blah and so on.However an asp needs a server to run on .So if you put an asp document in livelink it will be treated as a document only.It will not execute its server side script.What I was suggesting earlier was to interface to your non-livelink DB which you said contained info of object in livelink.I was merely suggesting asp as a tool to interface to your non-livelink db.You could acheive the same with jsp,java servlet,asp,php,perl or so on

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
Mark Twain


how would u enable it to execute its server side script in livelink? Using asp seems to be the most appropriate way;
how would u convert that document into a server object?
You can put the asp on the livelink web server (if it is IIS or asp capable) and put that
as a URL object inside livelink in a folder.Would not that do the trick. Livelink cgi/iisapi really should not be modified even if it is possible to execute some other server program.

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
Mark Twain


In looking at your original post the answer is yes and no for what you want to do. We have tackled this request several times in the past. Often the secondary database has a unique attribute value such as the "Doc Number" which is stored in Livelink as a category or system attribute. In other cases the secondary database only has the document name which is stored as a non-unique field in the Livelink database.

The first approach we have taken in the past is to have the custom link execute a Livelink Search through the Livelink search index and bring back the results. Using this approach you can define what fields you want the search to query. All this requires is looking at the fields that get submitted from the Livelink search html page and duplicating them on the custom asp page, then adding in the search criteria. The input field values get a little complex so you probably want to use some kind of form page that gets submitted when they click on the document link rather than trying to build individual urls with all the parameters.

The second approach we have taken is to build a custom request handler that expects a certain parameter(s) and then does the lookup against the database and returns the appropriate document.

In either case remember that you probably have to be logged into Livelink to retrieve the document. Another customization we have added is to automatically login using a predetermined login id,similar to an anonymous user.
Suggest that you start look into Livelink Webservices. Install LAPI and you have .Net samples to do the things you want....

thankx for the input!
syntergy, the second option i think sums up exactly what i want to do. the custom request handler, wat form does it manifest? (.NET, .asp, .jsp?) i'm very familiar with LAPI..would it have the same flexiblity as working in LAPI?do you have samples? thank a bunchhh!

what is LiveLink Webservices? is it the integeration of .NET with livelink for added customization? i have installed LAPI but i get only C++/VB samples
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