Hi All,
I've got a problem with a listbox and it's connection to a field in a database.
I've got al listbox that contains of the "Description" of multiple Components.
The list of descriptions is retrieved from a database Table called Component.
The primairy key of this table is a NUMBER.
In a table Recipe there's a foreign key pointing to the primary key in the table Component.
Operation :
When I click a "Description" from the listbox I want the database to alter the foreign key in the Recipe table to the
one that is coupled to the clicked "Description".
Now in HTML there is a listbox where one can add a "Post value" that differs from the clicked selection.
Is it possible to link a combobox to a recordset so that the foreign key will change on selection of a description
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I've got a problem with a listbox and it's connection to a field in a database.
I've got al listbox that contains of the "Description" of multiple Components.
The list of descriptions is retrieved from a database Table called Component.
The primairy key of this table is a NUMBER.
In a table Recipe there's a foreign key pointing to the primary key in the table Component.
Operation :
When I click a "Description" from the listbox I want the database to alter the foreign key in the Recipe table to the
one that is coupled to the clicked "Description".
Now in HTML there is a listbox where one can add a "Post value" that differs from the clicked selection.
Is it possible to link a combobox to a recordset so that the foreign key will change on selection of a description
Linux IS userfriendly.
It's only very selective about who it's friends are.