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List trace Event Code

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Technical User
Oct 23, 2004
Hello all. i am having problems with calls disconnecting on a remote G700 that connects to a host 8700. Calls come in on the local PRI at the G700 to a receptionist. I can talk directly to the receptionist and the call won't fail. if the receptionist transfers me to a station and i hit *0 and come back to the receptionist, the call will fail right around 32 seconds.

the list trace event is :
denial event 1164: ISDN no cause value D1=0x83013d D2=0x0

any thoughts?

I found the event code for you in the above site. (Pretty cool site)

The description states that

outgoing ISDN trunk rejected / dropped by far end.

Mike Jones
Louisiana State University Health Sciences center
thanks. Got that site as well. That intepretation is not to helpful. My failure is on the incoming. Thanks anyway.
Phonegoober.. are you calling the operator via ?? I have seen similar things like this .. if you are having slipping problems ( set sync on the G700/G350 to the main site ) .. I have also seen this when one shares the same voicemail system and you use an attendant and if you have a call answer treatment vice a transfer... so I guess I ask tell me each point of the call from the pstn to the operator and how the calls are getting there .. so that i can help you more..

What happens if you call the remote station directly and *0 to the receptionist?

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
- Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

I have the Sync Source setup in the G700 where the PRI is.
Set sync primary V2.

I call the DID on the PRI to get to to the receptionist.
I ask her to transfer me to an internal extension at that G700 site. i then goto vmail which routes me back to the s7000 shared vmail, depress *0 to go back to the receptionist at the G700 site. After talking to the receptionist at 32 seconds, the call dies.

I can call the receptionist directly and the call does not disconnect. Even after 32 seconds.

Calls don't drop internally via a 5 digit dial internally.
I would think it would be the PRI, but if i call the receptionist directly on the PRI/DID the call stays up.

Avaya is stumped on this as well.

Can the Op call you directly.. and does the call stay up ? if you are not having sync problem the call should stay up.. if not then the call willl drop.. as for *0 what is that.. is that the system zero out feature or extension .. or are you allowing the tranfer ? I would use create a system zero out treatment for the vm box.. this would force the call as a forced transfer... the VM is hanging up the call!!!

you must know that the reason you getting cut off because you jumping from the VM to an extension ..the VM is performing a blind transfer.. and in the program it sets off a timer that ticks off 32 seconds later it disco's that link... so to rememdy this you need to use an AA in the VM to transfer out.. and not connect


8700/8500/8300/G350/Ip Office/SG203/SG5x//G3r/G3SI/Audix/ Manager/VMM/8500
Can the Op call you directly.. and does the call stay up ? if you are not having sync problem the call should stay up.. if not then the call willl drop.. as for *0 what is that.. is that the system zero out feature or extension .. or are you allowing the tranfer ? I would use create a system zero out treatment for the vm box.. this would force the call as a forced transfer... the VM is hanging up the call!!!

you must know that the reason you getting cut off because you jumping from the VM to an extension ..the VM is performing a blind transfer.. and in the program it sets off a timer that ticks off 32 seconds later it disco's that link... so to rememdy this you need to use an AA in the VM to transfer out.. and not connect
Thanks BoBAz,
the *0 point for that exension is the receptionist for that G700 site, not our system *0 operator at the 8700 site.
So you are saying in need to goto the subscriber level in our audix, use an AA to transfer out, not connect?
i hope i have that right. I am not an audix guru.

Yes.. go ahead and set a zero treatment for that vmbox to go to the operator you want.. and that should do it..

let me know how you make out

The covering ext is the switchboard at that site. That's the way it should be. It just happens to be a VDN that goes to a vector that does a route to the receptionist ext.

internal 5 digit dials work and don't drop.

We had a similar problem that was caused by call answer supervision not seeing the call as connected for some reason and timing out. I'm a little fuzzy on it, another tech worked the problem and he is gone for the day.

If I can find out anything else about it I'll let you know.

thanks donbott.

I would be curious on what the fix is. Direct calls to the PRI work. They don't disconnect. It only happpens when a person calls and does a *0 and then has a talk path with the receptionist. Once you are talking to the receptionist, it does consistently at 32 seconds.

I am having the same sort of problem on outbound calls. Although the codes were close they did not match up to the one I am getting.
denial event 1164: ISDN call reject D2=CV D1=0x830019 D2=0x222

Where did you get the codes for the other meanings of the reject codes? Is there a manual that contains them?
I know i might be a bit late but I have a similar thing happening. I am in the UK and have "featurenet" (similar to centrex). If I call from a featurenet extn to my Definity, via an SLC code to a 5 digit coverage answer group. I can speak to the person who answers for minutes (in excess of 6 mins on the last call) however when I am transferred through to the person I want to speak to (Who is on the same coverage answer group but did not pick up quickly enough!)the call is transferred successfully but after 32 secs I get cutt off. I have tested also if I call the station direct from the featurenet extn, and I am transferred, everything is OK.

I traced the final station and get the following List trace message.

denial event 1164: ISDN no cause value D1=0x83000e D2=0x0

But from above the 32 secs seems like a timer somewhere?

Any help would be appricated.



There ending up being a patch that addressed this issue of calls dropping. Had not had too many problems since the patch, but i can tell you it did not fix it 100%. TDM Calls should not drop. In particular, on a remote G700 with it's on discreet trunks.

I don't have the patch right now, but we ending up putting in a super patch that included several things.

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