I'm currently reviewing sound cards and speaker setups to be installed in my new machine. I will be getting into a lot of music recording/editing as well as gaming and music. Another input is that I love the high quality sound I am able to hear in winXP. Any comments or leads to information will be highly appreciated.
That said, my questions are as follows:
1. What company has the best reputation for drivers in linux?
2. Are there any manufacturers that provide linux drivers for high end sound cards?
3. What software for linux will allow sound editing/recording/manipulating, and what technologies are available in linux (ie - eax, etc...)
4. Sorry for such a lame question, but what is currently the best sound card for linux and what high end card has promising future results for the OS?
- Rusty
- Rusty
- Rusty
That said, my questions are as follows:
1. What company has the best reputation for drivers in linux?
2. Are there any manufacturers that provide linux drivers for high end sound cards?
3. What software for linux will allow sound editing/recording/manipulating, and what technologies are available in linux (ie - eax, etc...)
4. Sorry for such a lame question, but what is currently the best sound card for linux and what high end card has promising future results for the OS?
- Rusty
- Rusty
- Rusty