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linux downloads 1

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Technical User
Jun 26, 2003
okay here we have the typical microsoft os user who is pissed of with the lack of security and usability i want to go to linux!!!
now ive downloaded 6 iso image...but am not experianced in burning cd's
the q being if using nero 5 how do i burn these images and how do i load linux from the cd?...
thanx guys
I'm not familiar with this in Nero but have done it with Easy CD Creator and I presume it is very similar.

When you start a new CD dialogue there will be an option to burn from iso images in one of the menus relating to the CD you are trying to burn. This will allow you to select (or drag) the iso image to your new image. Nero should then build a file structure on the CD.

If it all works properly the first CD in the set will be bootable so you just need to restart your machine.

*** You need to be very careful not to delete your DOS partitions during installation of Linux so make sure you put Linux in free space if you still want to use Windows***
I recommend you keep Windows for you access to the net until you are up and running with Linux because you may need further help to get the installation doing all you expect from it.

(Free space can be created by resizing existing partitions as part of the instal process if you have no free space on your hard disk now)

If you can't find the info on iso's try looking at the Nero Help. That's how I learnt what to do in Easy CD.

jwenting, c'mon.

Surely ineptitude is the main blame, but so is the vuneralabilty of Windows. It is just so easy to attack a M$ system.

When looking at vunerability, why would you not switch to Linux?

-Security flaws with M$ often go undetected for ages. Serious new bugs continue to be found, even in Windows code several years old. GNU/Linux being open source, results in security issues being fixed quickly.

-Although Windows has significant feature lists of security related functions, default Windows installs are typically dodgy with regards to security issues. A default out-of-the-box installation of Linux on the other hand is a a lot more secure.

-Compared to Windows, Linux is virus-free. 99.9% of viruses are targeted at Windows. Half the people who use Windows don't know how to use a PC properly, and continue to viciously spread viruses around. The Linux population laugh.

-Windows servers must be protected with exterior firewall and intrusion detection systems. Even with exterior protections, new bugs continue to be found that allow remote system level compromises in core Microsoft code, where firewalls cannot protect the system.

Windows systems need to be regarded as relatively high risk when exposed to the Internet compared to Linux. In fact, some insurance companies charge higher rates to insure Windows systems as opposed to UNIX systems. Now why would that be?

Sorry, jwenting- this is not an attack on you. I just get sick of getting called out to fix up Virus/hacked Windows systems. To date, I have rarely come across problems with Linux systems in regards to security/vunerability issues.

My answer is always 'switch to Linux or BSD.'

Sorry Amdboy, I got carried away with that post.

I haven't used NERO for a while but with NERO Express, when the wizard starts, select burn image. Navigate to the .iso file then burn it. NERO Rom is slightly different, and I can't remember off the top of my head. However, have a look in the NERO help files.

I can have a look on a M$ machine tomorrow, and give you the steps to burning from an image if you haven't worked it out before then.

AP81...cheers i think i got the jist of it...havnt used nero b4 ... spose i should use the help menu...just not usually one to use a products help file!!!
will post tommorow let you know how i go....
Me again...I just had a look at my friends laptop. Here are the instructions for NERO Rom:

1. When Nero Rom starts up, close the "New Compilation" window.
2. Go to "file", click it and you will see a dropdown list. Select "Burn Image".
3. Select the ISO image from where you downloaded it to (use "Look In" and select file). A "Write CD" dialog will pop up. Click "Burn", check "Write" under action and Finalize CD.
4. Hit the write button.
AP81 your a champ...burning cd's as you read this..come tommorow i will be learning linux.!!!!
know of any good site to chech out how to set it securely?
if not im sure ill figure it out..just slower
ok AP up and running..that did the trick!!
thanx a bundle
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