Linksys tech support has not found an answer for me yet so I thought I would try here also.
I have a Linksys RV082 router with QuickVPN enabled.
I have a Microsoft 2003 OWA server on my LAN.
Both the Linksys QuickVPN client and my SSL OWA use port 443.
If I forward port 443 to my server on my LAN, then the OWA website access works fine but my QuickVPN clients can't connect.
If I turn off the port 443 forwarding, then my QuickVPN clients connect fine but then I can't coonet to my website.
It appears I can't have it both ways!
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
Linksys tech support has not found an answer for me yet so I thought I would try here also.
I have a Linksys RV082 router with QuickVPN enabled.
I have a Microsoft 2003 OWA server on my LAN.
Both the Linksys QuickVPN client and my SSL OWA use port 443.
If I forward port 443 to my server on my LAN, then the OWA website access works fine but my QuickVPN clients can't connect.
If I turn off the port 443 forwarding, then my QuickVPN clients connect fine but then I can't coonet to my website.
It appears I can't have it both ways!
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.