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Linksys Cable/DSL Router

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Nov 6, 2000
I recently purchased a Linksys Cable/DSL Router to use on my PacBell DSL connection with my home network. I have an Alcatel DSL moden and an always-on, static IP from PacBell.

The Linksys config is really simple:
1. plug the WAN interface into the DSL modem
2. plug the LAN interface into the network hub
3. use a networked machine to access the web interface on the router and input the WAN info (IP, Subnet, and DNS)
4. that's all!

Well the LAN part works fine. I can ping the router, access the web interface, and receive the DHCP info on all my networked machines. But the WAN link light on the router never lights up and I have no internet access from any machine.

I know the WAN info is correct because I can put it into any machine on the network, plug that machine into the router and it works fine.

Does anyone have any experience with this Linksys device? Or perhaps have any suggestions that I could follow?
I sent a detailed answer yesterday, but my network connection bombed as I hit "submit" Heres a quick answer:
I'm assuming its their 160 +/- 4 port model. I've used with multiple PCs on a cable connection, but no hub (there were enough ports on router)I had some recent issues with it when my ISP changed modems (I lease)

>first off can u try it w/out the hub and one to one with 1 PC only?
>when u can connect (have a machine going straight to working modem?), bump up the firmware on router (its like 1.31 or something now) with d/l from Linksys site
>double check the network connections on PC (I don't know if u are static or dynamic. I went from static to dynamic when I changed modems. All of my network (TCP/IP) stuff is "off" -obtain IP, no WINS, no nothing. All my configs are on the router end
> on the router end, make sure all is done on the 1st page and matches if u "obtain/specify' IP All radio buttons checked? Bottom part of page is, I think, for DSL modems
> there are several TABS on router config page-DHCP, etc, One of them allows u to tell the router how many clients there are and use phoney internal IPs for the clients (like

When I changed modems, what I ran into on mine was the ISP's router read the MAC address on my NIC. When I later put the router in, it still wanted that address. The latest firmaware for router allows u to change MAC address on ROUTER to read like its your NIC

Good luck
Thanks for the help. I can see and configure the Linksys router from any of the machines connected to the hub, and I get the LAN link light on the front of the router. The problem I see is that the WAN link light never comes on. I have double checked the settings in the router and they are all exactly what they should be, that is they match what I use when I plug a machine directly into the modem for connectivity. The router and modem are just not communicating for some reason. I did upgrade the firmware on the router, but it had no visible effect. Perhaps this router is just bad (or has a bad WAN port)...
I assume the modem works when directly connected to a PC NIC? Not to be redundant but, when I was using router with one modem and no problem. I ran into problem when I changed modems (and IP addressing). My modem and router weren't talking either. Which is why I changed MAC address listed on 1st screen of router config page to match the MAC on the NIC which had been hooked up to modem (as I remember, the new Firmware allows u to double click on the MAC address on router config page and then can the number)

Have u used Winipcfg to determine MAC address, but ALSO to release and renew the IP stuff? Also its possible that your ISPs routers have to catch up with your new info

I have two friends that have used this router-for one it was simple PnP and the other had some problems

If all else fails call Linksys tech support-they are excellent! (I know--I don't like books or tech support either-or at least only as LAST resort) Good luck
Do you have PPoE enabled?
Have you added your domain name?

You say that a pc pluged directly into the linksys router will work but not if you come out of the router into a hub.
If you connect directly to the router and the pc works, do you get a connect light on the WAN link then? If it does, then you may have a bad light on the router.
I also had to disable my DHCP server and use the one on the linksys router. An IP address needs to be furnished by the router.
Just a few idea's.

My linksys is connected directly to my phone company's line and then to my hub. Do you have to connect the linksys to a modem?
Yep, it goes from PhoneLine -> Alcatel DSL Modem -> Linksys router -> Hub -> Network. I made a mistake in my original post, i can't actually get the router working at all. I meant to say that I can put the network info into any of the machines, plug them into the DSL MODEM and it all works. But as soon as I slip the Linksys into the chain, I lose WAN connectivity.

I have even simplfied the situation by just plugging PhoneLine -> DSL Modem -> Linksys Router -> PC. I connect to the Linksys internally and set all of the network settings. Reset everything and still get no link light. *sigh* oh well...

Thanks for the assist though.
I have the exact same problem as uriel. My set up is:

Linksys NIC -> Linksys 4 port hub. The Alcatel modem is also plugged into the hub. This works perfectly. What I want to do is replace the Alcatel modem with the Linksys 1-port router.

I have configured everything as per instructions, and removed the PPPoE adapter used by the Altatel setup, and rebooted.

At this point, I can access the router at address, and configure it, but I cannot get it to connect. I get the message "Unable to connect to PPPoE server", and the WAN link never lights up.

I am having problems with my 4-port Linksys DSL router. I do not have a DSL modem. The line comes from the wall and straight into my NIC. Does anyone else have this setup and has it working? If so, could you please e-mail me at iso_trader@hotmail.com ?

thanks in advance for your help. I am going home today to upgrade the firmware. Hopefully this will work.

I have a PacBell DSL account, and Alcatel Speed Touch Home DSL modem and a Linksys Etherfast DSL Router.
I connected the phone line to the modem, the modem to the router WAN port and my pc is connected to router port one.
I can access the router ip address to enter the configuration values. I set the all ips to be dynmically assigned. I cannot access the internet.
Prior to trying to install my router, I was connecting via a PPPoE which required my to enter my login id and password.
I have removed this. In the router configuration, I have tried the following , with no success :
-checked "obtain an ip address automatically"
-Enabled PPPoE, while enter my login id and password

Any tips will be appreciated
As BYarn said, odds are likely your ISP's modem detects and stores the MAC address of your network card. Go into ipconfig and get the MAC address for your NIC, and plug it into the MAC Cloning tab in the Advanced section. Reset your dsl/cable modem (not the linksys router:) and you should be ready to rock.
Do the following:

1) Disable the DCHP in your Linksys
2) Enter the IP address on each client computer (eg.
3) Enter Subnet
4) Enter Gateway
5) Enable DNS
6) Enter Host exactly as it appears in Linksys (eg. sname)
7) Enter Domain as it appears in Linksys (eg. pacbell.net)
8) Enter Search Order as in Linksys (eg. /

It worked for me: I am using a Linksys BEFSR41, Alcatel 1000 ADSL modem, Pacbell ADSL. I added a secondary wireless network using Homefree Wireless Network 2.4GHZ
connected to the DMZ computer connected to the Linksys. I setup the Homefree Adapter as and the Microsoft ICS using the NIC connected to the Linksys as the directly connected adapter and the HFA as the shared adapter.

I hope this helps!
<b>Q U E S T I O N </b>
I cannot establish a connection to my companies' VPN server when I am connected through the router. What can I do?
<b>A N S W E R </b>
To setup your VPN you're going to have to follow these steps:
NOTE: Please be sure to have the most up-to-date firmware before proceding, you can get a firmware update by going to 1. To setup port triggering open up your browser and type into the &quot;Address Bar&quot; and hit [Enter].
2. You will be prompted for a username and password.
3. By default there is no username, and the password is admin. Once you type in the password click OK
4. Once you've gotten past the login you should be at the &quot;Filters&quot; tab.
5. Make sure IPSec Passthrough or PPtP Passthrough are both enabled depending on the type of VPN connection you're using. If you're unsure please enable both.
6. Click Apply then Continue
7. Click on the Forwarding tab
8. Once the &quot;Forwarding&quot; section opens, click the Port Triggering button.
9. A new window will appear, and you'll need to set up ports 47, 1723, and 500. The following is what the Port Triggering should look like:

Application Name Trigger Port Range Incoming Port Range

1: VPN 47~ 47 47 ~ 47
2: VPN 1723~ 1723 1723 ~ 1723
3: VPN 500 ~ 500 500 ~ 500

10. Once you've done this hit Apply, then Continue.

11. After the settings have been applied, your VPN is setup, connect through your VPN software
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