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Linksys BEFW11S4v2 Wireless Problems

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Technical User
Mar 22, 2004
I have been searching endlessly for a fix to my wireless woes for weeks, and have come up with nada... Everything worked flawlessly for months, but now i can't get it to work consistently to save my life.

I can connect wirelessly to my Linksys AP with excellent signal strength, but can't connect out to the internet.

A good description of the problem I am having is found here:

Specifically, this part is (almost) exactly what my problem is:

"1. After the wireless card is enabled and connected to the AP it will not get an IP address (I can get an IP address, most of the time) nor will it be able to ping to the AP. The wireless connection properties will say that it is connected with good signal strength, it will also send packets but not receive any packets back."

Now, I've read thru that and countless other threads describing similar problems, and have tried pretty much everything, ranging from resets, static ip's, WEP, upgrading firmware, disabling XP Zero Config... you name it... At various times, I get it working, but there seems to be no rhyme or reason why. Sometimes its a reset of the router, other times its as simple as changing the channel or pinging the wireless computer from a wired. The only constant is that as soon as my wireless computer shuts down, or goes to sleep, I must do "something" to get my internet back. I have not been able to isolate what that "something" is that gets me back, tho, as it always seems to be something different.

The only thing I can say with any confidence, is that the problem is not my wireless adapter (also a Linksys, WUSB11 ver2.6). I am also reasonably sure that the computers are not causing the problem... have plugged my adapter into 4 different machines, 2 running XP, and 2 running 2K, and I have no problems at all connecting to other wireless AP's (even other Linksys AP's), only mine. Put 2 + 2 together, and I'm convinced the issue lies in the Linksys AP.

At the moment, I have everything in the AP set back to its factory defaults. No WEP, IP's auto-obtained, etc. etc. etc. Worked like a champ yesterday until the computer went to sleep for the night. Now I'm back to square one. Anybody have more ideas as to whats going on here? I'm basically at my wits end with this Linksys.

One note on disabling the XP Zero Config which has been mentioned often. I've done that, and while it doesn't seem to help me with this particular problem, it did solve another. (When it works) the wireless connection on the XP machine had 1-2 sec blips at regular intervals, where the connection was lost, and then reestablished. It was hardly even noticeable for surfing, but it always came out when I was dloading. Disabling the XP Zero Config totally did the trick on that one, for whatever that is worth.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice you have to offer.

Thanks for your response, but I'm definately getting no joy from the above.

The channels, and broadcasting the SSID are not the culprit. Mine is the only wireless network in range, and I have no problems at all connecting to it. Its getting out onto to the internet from there, that is the issue.

I have already installed (and removed) the 826942 Hotfix. That one actually made things worse. As it is now, if I do a 'long reset' (ie. reset, power down router, power down modem, wait, power up modem, wait, power up router) I can connect to the net without a hitch... until the computer is turned off, or goes to sleep. After I installed that particular fix, I was still able to connect to the wireless network, but even the 'long reset' would not get me back out onto the net. As far as I can tell, Version 2 of the Linksys AP does not support WPA, and I've taken some advice from the people at DSLR to get rid of superfulous stuff that may contribute to my problems...

I have not tried that utility, yet, so I am going to give that a whirl tonight. I'm dubious tho, as one of the XP machines I'm trying to get on the network is brand spanking new, and as of the moment, has never connected to the net. The other XP and the 2 2K's worked fine for over a year, before identical problems hit them all. It also would seem to me, that if spyware had something to do with it, I would not be able to connect to any networks. As it is, I can take the same equipment (laptops, usb adapter) and connect to wireless networks at the office, or at friends houses, without a problem. The only part of the equation missing is the Linksys AP at my house...

And, unfortunately... the Linksys RMA isn't going to help me... I've had all of this stuff for almost 2 years, long since lost the reciepts...

Also should say that I have seen this identical problem detailed over and over, but almost always occurring on the BEFW11S4 version 4. I've got the Version 2. Its seems to me, most of the people talking about this problem with the Ver. 4, tho lose everything (both wired and wireless) daily. I have never once lost my ability to connect to the net with a wired computer, no matter how many settings I've changed. My only problem is with the wireless...

Thanks again, but still looking...

I've been having the same problem with my computer. I have a BEFW11S4 - and a WMP11 - I get 65 - 70% connection to the router, no wep, DHCP, it will get an address, but it wont ping the router at all.

Strange, I think its a Linksys "Feature".

Email me - drivett@eagletechnology.net - maybe we can come up with a solution together.......

Dave R.
Eagle Technologies
spiveyr@adelphia.net: Go to Linksys configuration utility, select setup and change IP address from to I then suggest you shut down everything to allow them to reset and power up first the modem, then the router and finally the computer. Let me know
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