Does anyone have Beatnik player installed AND a connection of 28.8 or 56k? No faster. I have some rmf bird songs and if the play/stop button is clicked before the page has downloaded then everything stops downloading and you have to refresh the page to get the sound. I dont particularly want to have to put a message on the page "wait 'till its downloaded". Apparently can be a problem with any link that "doesnt go anywhere" especially with netscape. I do have the code to correct this,(<A HREF="javascript://" ONCLICK=" etc rather than <A HREF="#" etc) except the required code is already in the script. Please check out to see what I mean then just click on the bird picture. Once you get to the first bird with sound (marked with asterisk) go straight to the sound (left hand side under "voice"
and click on it before page completely downloads. Any ideas on how I can stop this from happening.
p.s. if you havent beatnik you wont get sound anyway and a fast connection doesnt present the problem.
p.s. if you havent beatnik you wont get sound anyway and a fast connection doesnt present the problem.