Hello,<br><br>I am a 25 year old dutch student who earns money for his study by developping databases.<br><br>Two years ago i have made an invoice system in Ms Acess.<br>Now i am already finisched with developping an sales relations system in Visual Fox Pro. But I have some problems with dde.<br><br>What i want is to insert an record from a cursor into a access table. I already have this code, that works fine but when i whant to write a insert-sql-query it goes wrong.<br>Another problem is that i cannot pass the value of ln-klantid to place where now "ABLOB3" stands.<br><br>here is my source code<br><br>ln_klantid = thisform.relatie.value<br>mchannum = DDEInitiate('Msaccess', 'system')<br>IF mchannum != -1<br>glExecute = DDEExecute(mChanNum, "[opendatabase c:\eck\database\artline.mdb]"
<br><br>DDEExecute(mChanNum, "[Opentable 'klanten']"
<br>DDEExecute(mChanNum, "[selectobject actable, 'klanten']"
<br>DDEExecute(mchannum, "[ApplyFilter , klantid = 'ABLOB3']"
<br>DDEExecute(mChanNum, "[selectobject actable, 'klanten']"
<br>DDEExecute(mchannum, "[insert into klanten (achternaam)values (test1)]"
***** here is the mistake<br><br>Can someone help me, thanks in advance<br><br>Sorry for my poor englisch<br>