I am having a major blonde moment!
Here's my problem,
I have an electronic form that our billing/shipping department fills in which is "supposed" to make it to our finance department. Problem is that is disappears!
So I was to create a 'log sheet' that is automatically updated. When the person opens the electronic form and fills in the necessary cells, I want them to be able to push a 'button' and all the pertient information is automatically copied onto the logsheet (located in a seperate file). But I want the logsheet to be able to coundt down, therefore adding line by line.
In my head this works, but actually doing it is another question.
Sorry about the long windedness...been working on this for a while!
Here's my problem,
I have an electronic form that our billing/shipping department fills in which is "supposed" to make it to our finance department. Problem is that is disappears!
So I was to create a 'log sheet' that is automatically updated. When the person opens the electronic form and fills in the necessary cells, I want them to be able to push a 'button' and all the pertient information is automatically copied onto the logsheet (located in a seperate file). But I want the logsheet to be able to coundt down, therefore adding line by line.
In my head this works, but actually doing it is another question.
Sorry about the long windedness...been working on this for a while!