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Link tables in code

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Dec 6, 2002
I am not sure of how to link tables in code. I found things about refresh link in the help file, but that seems to just be for what is currently linked. I need to actually switch the table links to an entire different database based on a form selection.

What I have is three back end mdb's. When the database opens I will have a form load asking to select which back end they want to connect to (production, development, or training). Once one is selected I will have it connect the linked tables to that database and open the switchboard. Does anyone have an easy solution to this or has done this and would email or post the code so I could get an idea of what to do?
The best I have seen is the Access-VB-SQL Advisor article by Brian Wells in the March 2000 issue, page 20-25, titled "Access Table Linking Made Easier".

See their web page for a download file of all the code:

You can download the code free, but the article you have to pay for or find in the library. Sorry :)>(

Warning: it's not for the faint-hearted.
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