Looking for help from Fortran programmers.....
I have a problem with linear interpolation. I have constructed a subroutine that reads from an external array(s) that is called rates(tk,u,l) where tk is the temperature (that helps distinguish between the various arrays, u for the upper level (i'm dealing with transitions) and l for lower. For a temperature not mentioned in the list of temperatures the code is instructed to interpolate the tabled values to construct an array for that specific tyemperature. Therefore the routine calls each matrix coefficient in turn. The problem i have is that what if the "rate" or matrix coefficient corresponding to the higher interpolating value or temperature is below that of the coefficient corresponding to the lower value together with rates at which the situation is switched. I have the coding written below and would be grateful if someone was to follow through it and specify where i should make changes....Thanks in advance!!
Robert Loughnane.
PS: the variable 'it' corresponds to a coefficient that cycles through the 8 temperatures in turn but only the matrix values corresponding to any two of these temperatures is used at any one time.....
subroutine colrateion(tk)
c A linear interpolation of the ion rates.
c Using the tables of temperatures and rates in
c common IONRATES, interpolates the rates for
c the temperature TK passed as an argument.
c The interpolated rates are stored in the common
c CR Interpolated collision rates cm^3/sec at
c temperature TK
c NSTATE number of levels
c TEMPS temperatures in K
c RATE collision rates at temperatures in TEMPS
c IT array index
real * 8 cr
integer u,l
parameter (nstate=22)
common /coll/ cr(nstate,nstate)
common /ionrates/ temps(8),rate(8,22,22)
it = tk/10. + 1
it = max(1,min(it,7))
do 2 u = 1,nstate
do 2 l = 1,nstate
c This is a simple linear interpolation.
if ((rate(it+1,u,l) - rate(it,u,l)) .lt. 0.) then
cr(u,l) = dble (rate(it,u,l)
& + (tk - temps(it))/(temps(it+1) - temps(it))
& * (rate(it,u,l) - rate(it+1,u,l)) )
cr(u,l) = dble (rate(it,u,l)
& + (tk - temps(it))/(temps(it+1) - temps(it))
& * (rate(it+1,u,l) - rate(it,u,l)) )
write(6,*) tk,rate(it,u,l),rate(it+1,u,l),cr(u,l),u,l
2 continue
I have a problem with linear interpolation. I have constructed a subroutine that reads from an external array(s) that is called rates(tk,u,l) where tk is the temperature (that helps distinguish between the various arrays, u for the upper level (i'm dealing with transitions) and l for lower. For a temperature not mentioned in the list of temperatures the code is instructed to interpolate the tabled values to construct an array for that specific tyemperature. Therefore the routine calls each matrix coefficient in turn. The problem i have is that what if the "rate" or matrix coefficient corresponding to the higher interpolating value or temperature is below that of the coefficient corresponding to the lower value together with rates at which the situation is switched. I have the coding written below and would be grateful if someone was to follow through it and specify where i should make changes....Thanks in advance!!
Robert Loughnane.
PS: the variable 'it' corresponds to a coefficient that cycles through the 8 temperatures in turn but only the matrix values corresponding to any two of these temperatures is used at any one time.....
subroutine colrateion(tk)
c A linear interpolation of the ion rates.
c Using the tables of temperatures and rates in
c common IONRATES, interpolates the rates for
c the temperature TK passed as an argument.
c The interpolated rates are stored in the common
c CR Interpolated collision rates cm^3/sec at
c temperature TK
c NSTATE number of levels
c TEMPS temperatures in K
c RATE collision rates at temperatures in TEMPS
c IT array index
real * 8 cr
integer u,l
parameter (nstate=22)
common /coll/ cr(nstate,nstate)
common /ionrates/ temps(8),rate(8,22,22)
it = tk/10. + 1
it = max(1,min(it,7))
do 2 u = 1,nstate
do 2 l = 1,nstate
c This is a simple linear interpolation.
if ((rate(it+1,u,l) - rate(it,u,l)) .lt. 0.) then
cr(u,l) = dble (rate(it,u,l)
& + (tk - temps(it))/(temps(it+1) - temps(it))
& * (rate(it,u,l) - rate(it+1,u,l)) )
cr(u,l) = dble (rate(it,u,l)
& + (tk - temps(it))/(temps(it+1) - temps(it))
& * (rate(it+1,u,l) - rate(it,u,l)) )
write(6,*) tk,rate(it,u,l),rate(it+1,u,l),cr(u,l),u,l
2 continue