I've never had any training on the BCM and have been stumbling my way through it for a year now. Does anyone know where I can find a nice beginer tutorial on the do's and don'ts?
Ex. I'm confused on Line Assignments. My organization has 3 sites, each w/ it's own BCM (400 and 200) and the mailboxes are stored on a central CallPilot. There have been a variety of issues w/ people's phone either when moving locations or creating new extensions/voice mail. What I have been trying to do is compare all the settings in the BCM >Services>Telephony Services>System DNs>Active DNs. The one thing I often see is that a DN doesn't have a Line assigned to it. Please explain why this is needed and how it's done. I'm not sure how to tell which lines are available to assign or which are already in use. Some DN's have multiple lines assigned while some have 0.
Thanks for the help,
BCM newbie
Ex. I'm confused on Line Assignments. My organization has 3 sites, each w/ it's own BCM (400 and 200) and the mailboxes are stored on a central CallPilot. There have been a variety of issues w/ people's phone either when moving locations or creating new extensions/voice mail. What I have been trying to do is compare all the settings in the BCM >Services>Telephony Services>System DNs>Active DNs. The one thing I often see is that a DN doesn't have a Line assigned to it. Please explain why this is needed and how it's done. I'm not sure how to tell which lines are available to assign or which are already in use. Some DN's have multiple lines assigned while some have 0.
Thanks for the help,
BCM newbie