UpdateDataGrid("SELECT DISTINCT Person.F_Name, Family.L_Name, Family.Address " & _
"FROM Person, Family, Pos_Person_Int " & _
"WHERE Person.Fam_ID = Family.Family_ID And Pos_Person_Int.CH_Pos_ID = 3 " & _
"And Pos_Person_Int.Person_ID=Person.Person_ID And Family.Address Like ''" & address & "%")
I've been struggling with this statement..I've searched for the like statement but didn't find anything helpful..I would thank in advance if someone knows how to use like in a query of this type.
"FROM Person, Family, Pos_Person_Int " & _
"WHERE Person.Fam_ID = Family.Family_ID And Pos_Person_Int.CH_Pos_ID = 3 " & _
"And Pos_Person_Int.Person_ID=Person.Person_ID And Family.Address Like ''" & address & "%")
I've been struggling with this statement..I've searched for the like statement but didn't find anything helpful..I would thank in advance if someone knows how to use like in a query of this type.