Let me start by saying thanks to anyone who can take a stab at the errors I'm getting. The system is in redundancy for only 1 more day. Which means that if I can't get this working pronto, we're gonna be using a lot of paper very soon. I'd like to save the trees
A lightning storm fried a computer that housed the Aloha system (even though it was plugged into an APC protector, ugh).
1. Plugging that hard drive into another computer determined that, on the surface, the files were unaffected by the surge.
2. I have attempted to run the alohamgr.exe from the original drive as well as from the local computer's C:\ after copying and pasting the \bootdrv\ directory.
a. I am running Aloha TableService 5.3.29
b. Attempting to run AlohaMgr.exe from c:\bootdrv\aloha\BIN\ gives errors:
"The Aloha POS License Agreement is either missing or corrupt. Please contact Customer Service for assistance."
"Failed to register station name, error 0x23"
"CtlSvr could not be started. Check to see that it is registered."
3. Aloha Manager > File > Login > enter UN and PW gives:
"Security setup failed. Aloha Manager cannot log users in without a valid path to an Aloha Directory."
4. Attempting to run ctlsvr /regserver from the command prompt gives:
"Iberdir not set"
5. Attempted to run "Register_Iber_65535_65535_65535_65535", a batch file in the \bootdrv\ directory gave the errors:
"Invalid Account Name assumed because of failure to get a SID for this user account. Enter a valid Account Name or select the Local System account."
...and then it brings up a window titled CtlSvr asking me to either "Register Under the Local System Account" or to "Register Under a Specific User Account". Unfortunately, the user and pass I used for a specific user account was not recognized, even with ".\" before it.
After perusing some forum posts and the "SuperSite Technical Manual", I discovered that Aloha likely requires a file called IBERCFG.BAT in \BIN\. I don't know what happened to it, but I remade it.
my ibercfg.bat files looks like:
Still, problems persists. If ANYONE has ANY insight WHATSOEVER, then I would be very very grateful.
P.S. Of course, I do not have the installation CD.