Context is: Networker 6.1.3 / Windows 2K SP4 / SAN / L700
Symptom : Library not responding (sometimes); mount/unmout failed since upgrading from NT4
Error message (eventlog) :
"The device \Device\Scsi\CPQKGPSA1 is not ready for access yet"
I changed the fiber card and the switch port: same problem.
I increased the "load sleep/unload sleep" form 5 to 15: same problem;
Any suggestions?
Context is: Networker 6.1.3 / Windows 2K SP4 / SAN / L700
Symptom : Library not responding (sometimes); mount/unmout failed since upgrading from NT4
Error message (eventlog) :
"The device \Device\Scsi\CPQKGPSA1 is not ready for access yet"
I changed the fiber card and the switch port: same problem.
I increased the "load sleep/unload sleep" form 5 to 15: same problem;
Any suggestions?