Is there any reason why a left outer join should not work with Crystal reports v8.5? Would it be a fault with our database or is there a bug in Crystal.
What type of database are you working with? How did you connect? There are some limitations here such as if you use a native connection istead of an ODBC connection, you will be limited to an equal to join.
Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Exact Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports
We have a Sequel database and I connect to it via ODBC. I am connecting two tables CRFDetails and CRFData. I am filtering the CRFData table and using a date parameter. For some reason it still gives ne the same number of records whether it is an equal join or a left outer join.
I hope you don't mind me contacting you personally.
Your filter on the right table is nullifying the effect of your left outer join. This is something that has been discussed at length in this forum.
Try to conditionally suppress the undesired records rather than filtering them with a record selection formula.
If I have 2 tables CRFDetails and CRFData and I want to see the records where
CRFDetails.datetimereceived in {sdate}to {edate} and
CRFData 283.
How would I do this with conditional suppression so that I see all the records from CRFDetails where there is a match and the ones where there is no match?
Do you know of any good books that you would recommend for Crysal that explains things like this?
TO conditionally suppress, go to the design window and right click the details section and select format section. Then click on the X-2 button to the right of the suppress checkbox, and enter a formula just like the formula you are currently using to select the records
The formula in this place will conditionally suppress the entire section if the criteria is met, and your left outer join will not be nullified.
In terms of books, the best I have seen is Crystal Reports vX - the Complete Reference, by George Peck. Ken Hamady also has some great stuff on jump starting you if oyu are using Crystal with VB and an experts guide to formulas.
Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Exact Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports
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