Hi, I hope you guys can help me.
I need to build a form that request username and password on ASP not ASP.net (sorry to clarify but i got some responses in other forums in .net)
This form will send an LDAP query into the active directory located on a different server and it will check for existing users.
If the users exist they will be redirected to a new page. if not they will be prompt to try again for username and password.
If you can point me to the right direction I will appreaciate it.
the form i am working with is this
dim submit
dim UserName
dim Password
UserName = ""
Password = ""
Domain = "domain.com"
submit = request.form("submit")
if submit = "Authenticate" then
UserName = request.form("UserName")
Password = request.form("Password")
Domain = request.form("Domain")
result = AuthenticateUser(UserName, Password, Domain)
if result then
response.write "<h3>Authentication Failed!</h3>"
end if
end if
response.write "<hr><form method=post>"
response.write "<table>"
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td><b>Username: </b></td><td><input type='text'"
name="'UserName' value='' & UserName & '' size='30'></td>"
response.write "</tr>"
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td><b>Password: </b></td><td><input type='password' name='Password' value='' & Password & '' size='30'></td>"
response.write "</tr>"
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td><b>AD Domain: </b></td><td><input type='text' name='Domain' value='' & Domain & '' size='30'></td>"
response.write "</tr>"
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td> </td><td><input name='submit' type='submit' value='Authenticate'></td>"
response.write "</tr>"
response.write "</table>"
response.write "</form>"
function AuthenticateUser(UserName, Password, Domain)
dim strUser
' assume failure
AuthenticateUser = false
strUser = UserName
strPassword = Password
strQuery = "SELECT cn FROM 'LDAP://" & Domain & "' WHERE objectClass='*' "
set oConn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.Provider = "ADsDSOOBJECT"
oConn.Properties("User ID") = strUser
oConn.Properties("Password") = strPassword
oConn.Properties("Encrypt Password") = true
oConn.open "DS Query", strUser, strPassword
set cmd = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
set cmd.ActiveConnection = oConn
cmd.CommandText = strQuery
on error resume next
set oRS = cmd.Execute
if oRS.bof or oRS.eof then
AuthenticateUser = false
AuthenticateUser = true
end if
set oRS = nothing
set oConn = nothing
end function
I need to build a form that request username and password on ASP not ASP.net (sorry to clarify but i got some responses in other forums in .net)
This form will send an LDAP query into the active directory located on a different server and it will check for existing users.
If the users exist they will be redirected to a new page. if not they will be prompt to try again for username and password.
If you can point me to the right direction I will appreaciate it.
the form i am working with is this
dim submit
dim UserName
dim Password
UserName = ""
Password = ""
Domain = "domain.com"
submit = request.form("submit")
if submit = "Authenticate" then
UserName = request.form("UserName")
Password = request.form("Password")
Domain = request.form("Domain")
result = AuthenticateUser(UserName, Password, Domain)
if result then
response.write "<h3>Authentication Failed!</h3>"
end if
end if
response.write "<hr><form method=post>"
response.write "<table>"
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td><b>Username: </b></td><td><input type='text'"
name="'UserName' value='' & UserName & '' size='30'></td>"
response.write "</tr>"
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td><b>Password: </b></td><td><input type='password' name='Password' value='' & Password & '' size='30'></td>"
response.write "</tr>"
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td><b>AD Domain: </b></td><td><input type='text' name='Domain' value='' & Domain & '' size='30'></td>"
response.write "</tr>"
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td> </td><td><input name='submit' type='submit' value='Authenticate'></td>"
response.write "</tr>"
response.write "</table>"
response.write "</form>"
function AuthenticateUser(UserName, Password, Domain)
dim strUser
' assume failure
AuthenticateUser = false
strUser = UserName
strPassword = Password
strQuery = "SELECT cn FROM 'LDAP://" & Domain & "' WHERE objectClass='*' "
set oConn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.Provider = "ADsDSOOBJECT"
oConn.Properties("User ID") = strUser
oConn.Properties("Password") = strPassword
oConn.Properties("Encrypt Password") = true
oConn.open "DS Query", strUser, strPassword
set cmd = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
set cmd.ActiveConnection = oConn
cmd.CommandText = strQuery
on error resume next
set oRS = cmd.Execute
if oRS.bof or oRS.eof then
AuthenticateUser = false
AuthenticateUser = true
end if
set oRS = nothing
set oConn = nothing
end function