I am working in a mixed environment with several domains, and I need to build a script that takes a recently imaged workstation in the default "WORKGROUP" and joins it to a domain. I am VBS within an HTA form. The script runs fine when launched on a desktop that is already joined to a domain, but fails when launched from the stand alone workstation in the default workgroup.
Errors vary.
- Error -2147023541 (null description)
- Error 8007203A - Active Directory: The server is not operational (misleading error, I can ping the server, it is operational, and I can manually add the PC to the domain)
I copied over three snippettes of code - in each case the code works and displays information for three different domains provided the desktop belongs to one of the domains.
The first snippette gave me everything I wanted when run from domain desktop, and was nice because it was generic - no hard coding. (From here, the end user would select the domain from the list box, and authenticate with their credentials. From there, the script would get the OU information, etc.) But it only retrieved the name of the recently imaged PC when run from the workgroup.
So I resorted to hard coding. This snippete retrieves the name of each domain in the hardcoded list, and I can work with the object. But as soon as I move from GetObject("WinNT://...") to an LDAP query, it fails. Yes, I do know hot to authenticate using the domain name retrieved, but I am trying to get something more gneric using LDAP, and who knows how long Micr$oft wil support legacy WinNT approach.
The third attempt - grab the domain controllers - works when on the domain, but not when run from the workgroup.
Fails with an error -2147023541
Any help would be appreciated.
Errors vary.
- Error -2147023541 (null description)
- Error 8007203A - Active Directory: The server is not operational (misleading error, I can ping the server, it is operational, and I can manually add the PC to the domain)
I copied over three snippettes of code - in each case the code works and displays information for three different domains provided the desktop belongs to one of the domains.
The first snippette gave me everything I wanted when run from domain desktop, and was nice because it was generic - no hard coding. (From here, the end user would select the domain from the list box, and authenticate with their credentials. From there, the script would get the OU information, etc.) But it only retrieved the name of the recently imaged PC when run from the workgroup.
Sub FindAllDomains1(oWMI)
Dim oNameSpace, oDomain
Dim intD, sName
Dim lngErr, sErr
' This works well when on domain - this is what I want, generic, simple
' As standadlone, fails, no error bu rtrieves PC name only, not domain
Set oNameSpace = oWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NTDomain")
intD = 0
For Each oDomain in oNameSpace
sName = oDomain.Caption
If sName <> "" Then
intD = intD + 1
WScript.Echo sName & " - " & oDomain.Name & " - " & oDomain.DomainName & " - " & oDomain.DnsForestName
End if
End Sub
So I resorted to hard coding. This snippete retrieves the name of each domain in the hardcoded list, and I can work with the object. But as soon as I move from GetObject("WinNT://...") to an LDAP query, it fails. Yes, I do know hot to authenticate using the domain name retrieved, but I am trying to get something more gneric using LDAP, and who knows how long Micr$oft wil support legacy WinNT approach.
Sub FindDomains4()
Dim oDomain, oAuthenticate, oRoot
Dim bLoop, intS, sLDAP, sDomain
Dim sAcct, sPwd
Dim lngErr, sErr
Const ADS_SERVER_BIND=&h0200
bLoop = True
intS = 0
Do While bLoop
intS = intS + 1
' As standadlone, Works, but is hardcoded
' Works on Domain
On Error Resume Next
Select Case intS
Case 1
Set oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://DOMAIN01")
sAcct = "\Acct01"
Case 2
Set oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://DOMAIN02")
sAcct = "\Acct02"
Case 3
Set oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://DOMAIN03")
sAcct = "\Acct03"
Case Else bLoop = False
End Select
lngErr = Err.Number
sErr = Err.Description
On Error Goto 0
If bLoop and lngErr = 0 then
sDomain = oDomain.Name
WScript.Echo oDomain.Name ' Good this works
sLDAP = oDomain.adsPath
WScript.Echo oDomain.adsPath ' This works too
On Error Resume Next
Set oRoot = GetObject("LDAP:")
Set oAuthenticate = oRoot.OpenDSObject("LDAP://" & sDomain, sDomain & sAcct, sPwd, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION and ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_ALWAYS)
lngErr = Err.Number
sErr = Err.Description
On Error Goto 0
' Above works when on the domain, but fails when run from stand alone
' Error 8007203A - Active Directory: The server is not operational
If lngError Then Wscript.Echo "Err: " & lngErr & " - " & sErr
If bLoop Then Wscript.Echo "Err: " & lngErr & " - " & sErr
End if
End Sub
The third attempt - grab the domain controllers - works when on the domain, but not when run from the workgroup.
Fails with an error -2147023541
Sub FindAllControllers()
Dim oConnect, oCmd, oRS, oOU
Dim bLoop, intS
Dim lngErr, sErr
Set oConnect = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set oCmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
bLoop = True
intS = 0
Do While bLoop
' As standadlone, Fails with error -2147023541, 3x
' On domain, Works - gives list of domain controllers
intS = intS + 1
On Error Resume Next
Select Case intS
Case 1 Set oOU = GetObject("LDAP://ou=Domain Controllers,dc=dom01,dc=com")
Case 2 Set oOU = GetObject("LDAP://ou=Domain Controllers,dc=dom02,dc=com")
Case 3 Set oOU = GetObject("LDAP://ou=Domain Controllers,dc=dom03,dc=com")
Case Else bLoop = False
End Select
lngErr = Err.Number
sErr = Err.Description
' *** Error -2147023541 generated here - description is null when run from workgroup, no error when on domain
' *** This code does work when run from a PC already on a domain - info for all 3 domains is reported
On Error Goto 0
If lngErr Then
Wscript.Echo "Err: " & lngErr & " - " & sErr
End if
If bLoop and lngErr = 0 Then
If IsObject(oOU) Then
oOU.Filter = Array("Computer")
For Each oRS in oOU
Wscript.Echo oRS.CN
Wscript.Echo "Should not happen"
End if
End if
End Sub
Any help would be appreciated.