Hello all!
I am running Solaris 8 on an Ultra 10. When I telnet to my box I get this error:
ld.so.1 login: fatal: /usr/lib/libc.so.1: too many open files
How can I correct this, and what may be causing this?
I made the changes and rebooted, now my server wont come up. I get "failed to create uxtmp" and "cannot find root in shadow" and it comes up in single user mode. When I try any command I get the lib.so.1 fatal error. I typed in ulimit -n unlimited and it stops, but when I try to vi or rm, the filesystem is in read only mode.
Thanks for your help. Unfortunatly, an fsck did not work. I had to boot to cdrom in single user mode and vi the /etc/system file and take out the entries you had me enter. Once this was done my system was able to come up. I still get the errors while telneting to the server from any other server but I can use Xterm for now. Again, thanks for your response.
I had the same problem yesterday- I've copied /usr/sbin/in.telnetd /usr/lib/libcmd.so.1 from other server, changer owning adn permisions (755/root/bin) and...
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