LAY OF THE LAND: I am generating PDF files on the fly using Crystal Reports. I am saving these files on my server's C: drive in a directory called MyPDFs (i.e., C:\MyPDFs). The security on this directory allows full control to only administrators and the ASPNET user account (trying to prevent web users from directly accessing the files). I have a Win2K server with IIS 5.0 and I am using ASP.Net.
QUESTION: In the VB code behind my ASP.Net Web Form, I want to launch a PDF file located in the above mentioned directory ("C:\MyPDFs". My VB code-behind assembles the proper PDF filename depending on what the user selects on the Web Form; however, for purposes of this question, assume the filename is MyFile.pdf ("C:\MyPDFs\MyFile.pdf". What VB code do I use to launch this PDF file for the Web User? Game Over, Man!
QUESTION: In the VB code behind my ASP.Net Web Form, I want to launch a PDF file located in the above mentioned directory ("C:\MyPDFs". My VB code-behind assembles the proper PDF filename depending on what the user selects on the Web Form; however, for purposes of this question, assume the filename is MyFile.pdf ("C:\MyPDFs\MyFile.pdf". What VB code do I use to launch this PDF file for the Web User? Game Over, Man!