I have ArcserveIt 6.61 advanced edition installed on an NT Server. When I installed ArcserveIt, it created a directory named "Log". (The path is x:\ArcserveIt\Log)
There are a lot of individual small files and one monstor file called "Arcserve.Log" My question is, can I safetly delete that file?
I have e-mailed cai tech support several times with the question but have not gotten a response.
I also can't find anything about this particular file on the web site.
I have found that using the purge activity log tool will keep the ASTPSDAT.001 file under control, but I am at a loss for how to control the other file.
There are a lot of individual small files and one monstor file called "Arcserve.Log" My question is, can I safetly delete that file?
I have e-mailed cai tech support several times with the question but have not gotten a response.
I also can't find anything about this particular file on the web site.
I have found that using the purge activity log tool will keep the ASTPSDAT.001 file under control, but I am at a loss for how to control the other file.