My laptop won't boot up at all. Whenever I try any of the following, the power light turns on for a few seconds then shuts off. The next time I try to turn it on, nothing happens at all. Here is what I've tried: two different motherboards (they were refurbished, so I thought the first time, it might be a motherboard problem). I have tried different DIMMs in both slots, a different hard drive, a different power supply, no power supply, a different battery, no battery, testing all the screws, testing the connections for the keyboard and touchpad. The only other thing I can think to try is the processor, but if I'm wrong, I hate to waste the money. Can anyone help? By the way, it might help to know the reason I was swapping out the motherboard in the first place was because windows would only load in safe mode, but when I took the hard drive out and put it in another laptop, windows loaded just fine and when I took the hard drive from the good laptop and put it in my troubled laptop, I got the same problem. And after trying everything else I could think of, I tried swapping motherboards.