I'm looking for a way to detect a hung ftp process running on a unix server. I have the pattern to grep for in the process list and the way we determine if this particular process is "hung" is if the start time is an hour (or more) old. For example, this is the "hung" process: ecadmin 26123 26733 0.0 07:19:56 ?? 0:00.05 /usr/bin/ftp -niv ftp.companyname.com My script will be running periodically - this process started at 07:19:56, so if the time is 08:19:56 or later, I want to kill -9 26123. How can I get the difference between the process start time and the current time or is there some other unix command(s) I can use to list this process if it's over 1 hour old? I can't obviously use the cpu time because it's hung and doesn't increment. Any help would be greatly appreciated...thanks!