I think KRS will still be available to view exting keycodes for support reasons. It's more of a case of generating new keycodes which I'm certain will cease later on in the year.
Firebird Scrambler
Nortel Meridian 1 / Succession and BCM / Norstar Programmer in the UK
Advance knowledge on BCM support
My old colleague Curycord posted this a few years ago that I think is still current.
The final EoS will be effective October 1, 2012, or while supplies last.
Products required to upgrade, expand and maintain existing BCM systems will continue to be offered for another three (3) years to October 1, 2015. This includes software authorization codes, terminals, media bay modules, expansion units, replacement parts, and upgrades to the latest release (BCM R6.0).
Avaya will provide hardware and software Manufacturer’s Support, including technical support, repairs, software bug fixes, upgrades, and expansions, for three (3) years after the EoS date until October 1, 2015 for the BCM 50 and BCM 450 portfolio. The three (3) year Manufacturer’s Support will be provided for the last shipping BCM release, which is release 6.0. Please refer to BCM Product Lifecycle Update bulletin for previous releases.
• Avaya will further provide hardware and software Extended Services Support, including technical support, availability of existing patches and documentation, repair services, for three (3) years (October 1, 2018) after the Manufacturer’s Support period.
I just upgraded my 6.0 BCM to the latest patches....not much new that I could find though.
Don't forget, you won't be screwed if Avaya discontinues all support, the E-MetroTel UCx will still support all of the BCM features long after Avaya is out of the picture. In addition to the BCM50, the BCM 400/450 is now supported on the UCx.
I know the Avaya IP Office also supports the Nortel phones as well, but I have to experiment with it on my lab system to see how it works compared to the UCx.
I also know there are plenty of former Nortel BCM interconnects that plan to support the product after 2018. They are stocking up on key codes and features, but I guess that won't do any good if Avaya decides to discontinue the KRS system.
I think there will hopefully be other ways to keep the BCM range supported for a while longer after the cut off date. It's still a shame that they have finished it. No patch updates since January this year for 6.0.
Firebird Scrambler
Nortel Meridian 1 / Succession and BCM / Norstar Programmer in the UK
Advance knowledge on BCM support
The KRS system will remain available at a minimum until the End of Services support for the BCM platform on October 1, 2018. Until that date it will remain possible to add licenses, migrate licenses for upgrades or emergency recovery and generate new license files.
Keycode Retrieval System
As outlined above Avaya is planning to end the sale of new SW licenses for BCM50, BCM450 and SRG50 on October 1, 2015, however, licenses purchased prior to this date, can still be added to BCM systems in KRS after this date.
BCM and SRG Product Lifecycle Update
Dated June, 2012
The KRS system will remain available at a minimum until the End of Services support for the BCM platform on
October 1, 2018. Until that date it will remain possible to add licenses, migrate licenses for upgrades or emergency
recovery and generate new license files.
Keycode Retrieval System
As outlined above Avaya is planning to end the sale of new SW licenses for BCM50, BCM450 and SRG50 on October
1, 2015, however, licenses purchased prior to this date, can still be added to BCM systems in KRS after this date.
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