We upgraded to Simphony v1.6 about 6 months ago and ever since we are having issues with our KDS's suddenly not updating/displaying orders. The connection icon in the lower right corner still looks green and our pings to the KDS show no packetloss or delay. The server however shows the KDS as down even though you can ping the IP from the server.
We call the company that handles our Micros and they keep saying it's a network issue, although there is absolutely no errors on any ports they are connected to and we never lose connectivity to them. We know there are no networking issues, but our reseller is not making any progress on the problem, they simply have us reboot the KDS about 5 times until it starts working again.
Has anyone had this issue and found a resolution to it? Any help is very appreciated, our chefs are getting quite angry about the constant problems.
We call the company that handles our Micros and they keep saying it's a network issue, although there is absolutely no errors on any ports they are connected to and we never lose connectivity to them. We know there are no networking issues, but our reseller is not making any progress on the problem, they simply have us reboot the KDS about 5 times until it starts working again.
Has anyone had this issue and found a resolution to it? Any help is very appreciated, our chefs are getting quite angry about the constant problems.