I have 3 lines appearing on 3 different phones 1498 1499 1465. the three phones are 2616. Each of the phones has its main line at key 0, but also has the 2 other lines at different keys on the phone as well, so anyone can be at any phone and pick up the correct line.
When 1498 rings on the 1499 phone, I have to press the key for 1498 to get the call. How do I set it up so all I have to do is just pick up the phone? do I need to make all 3 iterations of all 3 numbers either MCR or MCN? or is this something completely different?
right now all the keys are SCR or SCN
I would put up the phone settings, but we are still on a wyse terminal and not a pc/vt emulator, so I have no way to cut and paste.
Thank you
Nortel Meridian1
Version 2511
Release 25
Issue 8
I have 3 lines appearing on 3 different phones 1498 1499 1465. the three phones are 2616. Each of the phones has its main line at key 0, but also has the 2 other lines at different keys on the phone as well, so anyone can be at any phone and pick up the correct line.
When 1498 rings on the 1499 phone, I have to press the key for 1498 to get the call. How do I set it up so all I have to do is just pick up the phone? do I need to make all 3 iterations of all 3 numbers either MCR or MCN? or is this something completely different?
right now all the keys are SCR or SCN
I would put up the phone settings, but we are still on a wyse terminal and not a pc/vt emulator, so I have no way to cut and paste.
Thank you
Nortel Meridian1
Version 2511
Release 25
Issue 8