i've read some posts here, but i would like it if someone can fully confirm my findings...
we have an old FPD app running at a customers site. the application works perfectly. however, it's their hardware that's causing the problems. so we would like to upgrade their hardware and we were initially thinking about upgrading the FPD app to VFP... however everything i've read describes major problems in doing this and suggest that it would just be better to re-write the app in VFP. Then i did some more research to see if the FPD would run on new machines and found that some people have been running FPD 2.6 apps on WIN2K and WINXP machines with no problems, after they've ran the patches. I really, REALLY need some one that maybe running an old DOS version app on and WIN2K machine or WINXP machine to confirm this and that it does indeed work with no problems...
also if so is it just a matter or running the patches and then tranfering the app and data to the new machine?
Thank you,
Derek Klingman
we have an old FPD app running at a customers site. the application works perfectly. however, it's their hardware that's causing the problems. so we would like to upgrade their hardware and we were initially thinking about upgrading the FPD app to VFP... however everything i've read describes major problems in doing this and suggest that it would just be better to re-write the app in VFP. Then i did some more research to see if the FPD would run on new machines and found that some people have been running FPD 2.6 apps on WIN2K and WINXP machines with no problems, after they've ran the patches. I really, REALLY need some one that maybe running an old DOS version app on and WIN2K machine or WINXP machine to confirm this and that it does indeed work with no problems...
also if so is it just a matter or running the patches and then tranfering the app and data to the new machine?
Thank you,
Derek Klingman