I don't have VB5 but VB6. In VB6 it's possible to use the function cdate<br>
Private Sub Command1_Click()<br>
MsgBox CDate(36502)<br>
End Sub<br>
My flat file shows a 2 digit year (99347). I did get this converted, but now need to convert the user's input from mm/dd/yyyy to julian to match against the file. Oh what a tangled web we weave! Anyway, should I try to do that using CDate?<br>
Here is my code to convert my julian date to the printable data:<br>
Sub Convert_date()<br>
Dim dtmNewDate As Date<br>
Dim strJulianDate As String<br>
strJulianDate = wrkRqmtDate<br>
dtmNewDate = DateSerial(Left$(strJulianDate, 2), 1, 1)<br>
dtmNewDate = DateAdd("d", Val(Right$(strJulianDate, 3)) - 1, dtmNewDate)<br>
wrkRqmtDate = ""<br>
wrkRqmtDate = Format(dtmNewDate, "mm/dd/yyyy"<br>
End Sub
Here's way to covert normal date to Julian if anyones interested.<br>
Function NormalToJulian(Date1)<br>
Dim NormalDate As Date 'The serial date.<br>
Dim DateYear As String 'The year of the serial date.<br>
Dim JulianDay As String<br>
Dim JulianDate As String 'The converted Julian date value<br>
DateYear = Format(Date1, "yyyy" 'Find the year number for NormalDate<br>
JulianDay = Format(Str(Date1 - DateValue("1/1/" & Str(DateYear)) + 1), "000"<br>
'Combine the year and day to get the value for JulianDate.<br>
JulianDate = DateYear & JulianDay<br>
NormalToJulian = JulianDate<br>
End Function<br>
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